View Full Version : Only getting Horizontal on 5e, any suggestions?

17-12-2006, 08:46 PM
As the title says, only getting hor frequencies on 5e,

got a 0.3db Sharp lnb and 1.2m Channel Master, and cheap, cheap sat cable - which i dont want to re-run unless i have to and you can be sure it will make a difference?!

Would a new lnb help? 0.1, 0.2db? or is there nothing else i can do



17-12-2006, 08:56 PM
It depends where you live. Horizontal frequencies are stronger on Sirius than vertical ones. Also, the footprint drops off rapidly the further south and west you go.

17-12-2006, 09:09 PM
I live in north wales, H are relativley strong, but V are not quite strong enough (very close, i get stream data, eg. 25ftps, picture resolution,) but not quite enough for any picture

Any Suggestions?


17-12-2006, 10:38 PM
Only suggestion i have is a bigger dish unfortunately! I also have a 1.2m dish but live further east from you (nearer the footprint), and i have problems getting a signal for half the day. Think you'll need a 1.5-1.8m dish for good reception. Here's the footprint, you'll see what i mean.

18-12-2006, 10:01 AM
v transponders can be locked on the c/master 1.2M in north wales they are weak though most videoguard these days a bigger dish will be needed for reliable all weather conditions and some sats are weaker later in the day I will look again later and compare the signal with my 1.8 c/master

18-12-2006, 11:59 AM
Cheers for the replies

I know the signal is very close, becuase on the TV1000 and Tv1000 action channels (both V) i get a load of stream data that pops up for a second which prooves there is a signal, so i'm not far off, i thought that there might be some way of just boosting it that little bit more so i could get the picture



18-12-2006, 02:12 PM
I live in the east midlands give this Transponder a go as I can get a good lock on it.:12245 freq,V,27500 sym rate,3/4 fec.Over the years there has always been problem with that sat = dish size = receiver tuner.

18-12-2006, 04:41 PM
I live in the east midlands give this Transponder a go as I can get a good lock on it.:12245 freq,V,27500 sym rate,3/4 fec.Over the years there has always been problem with that sat = dish size = receiver tuner.

I'll give that a go tonight matey - dish might be slightly out so i'll try re-aligning it abit, Cheers again
