View Full Version : @sat motor kit question?

18-12-2006, 09:31 PM
I need some help, when I had my dish fiitted I wasn't given the manual that should have came with the kit, hell I don't even know what version they put up?

On the invoice all it says is @satmotor kit

The reason I need this is because the strong winds we had last week (UK) has moved my dish a little and I need to know how I can move it back with out having to call someone out.

If I use USALS the dish moves past the satellite I pick, but if I put the settings to motor via my digi box I can pick up the satellite.

Will I damage the motor if I set all the satellites I pick to motor and not USALS?


18-12-2006, 09:46 PM
no setting all your sats via diseq 1.2 will not damage your receiver or dish but you do need to realign your dish properly if the dish or motor has moved then using manual diseq control is not the answer

19-12-2006, 10:08 AM
I have manual if you would like one

19-12-2006, 11:06 AM
My dish moved just over a degree in the winds. Too windy and cold to do anything about re-aligning until the spring. Went into the receiver satellite set up and changed the satellite position. 40east is now 39 east, 16east is now 15east, 4west is now 5west, 45west is now 46 west etc etc. I will do for now until the weather improves, still getting 26east and 7west so I'm not too bothered.
You could get in touch with that supplier in Bristol ( H I S A T )to see if they will send you a manual. Or contact the firm who installed your set up and demand that they send you the motor manual.

19-12-2006, 11:55 PM
good tip NeasdenNW10, I'm now picking up satellites again for the time being... book it in after xmas to be fixed.

thanks for the advice guys

20-12-2006, 10:59 AM
Well done, if it works it's a stop gap until you get your set up re-aligned.

20-12-2006, 12:49 PM
or you could go into the usals settings and set your latitude to be a degree out.

that way you could pretend your whole house had shifted in the wind!!

20-12-2006, 05:11 PM
Well done bobbyboil, that is yet another alternative short term solution.