View Full Version : A few Questions:

Dice Man
19-12-2006, 12:54 PM
I know that i update the boot-loader first & then the software in the boxloader - with the latest 1.71 software, and then i can change servers.

If i was just to update the software via the internet, would i still be able to change servers ? - i'm uncertain about if the boot-loader is updated if i just use the internet.

Also, are there any servers (Euro) clearing the s. view plus & special channels ?


19-12-2006, 05:16 PM
If you have not updated the bootloader and you but the sw on and if you have not done it then you will not be able to change server. Then you will have to update the bootloader and the sw and you will have the change server. The only think you will be updateing the sw 2 times if you have not done the bootloader. Remember if you update the bootloader you will lost all of your information so save it to your computer so you can but it back onto your VN. Hope you understand this and helps you.

There is a other thing you can try to change server and see if you can do it if you can then you have update the bootloader.

19-12-2006, 07:42 PM
I dont think you can update via internet unless you update bootloader,I think you get error wrong rom image.33FF is not clearing those s/views
Cheers - elmingo
ps check Grahams how to - its simpler than it looks

19-12-2006, 08:05 PM

33FF S3rv3r is clearing 4 S*x View channels, 4 Redlight channels, and 7 MCT channels, & Dorcel

20-12-2006, 09:46 AM
please help where can i get a null lead