View Full Version : Suspected Wife o2 SIM needs reading

19-12-2006, 01:18 PM
My mate has phoned me this afternoon to say he suspects his wife is having an affair.

He wants to read his wifes SIM card to view her text messages and read deleted text messages if possible.

The SIM card is an o2 SIM with a PIN lock on the SIM.

What software do you all recommend to use to read text messages especially deleted texts on a pin protected o2 SIM?

He has an Infinity Unlimited programmer.

Cheers guys.

19-12-2006, 02:41 PM
Ask him whether it's a GEMPLUS or ORGA sim mate. There's software out there called SIM commander which might (might) be able to read the SIM, but the PIN protection is a tough one, since removing it requires the PIN. As far as I'm aware there's no way to use a higher (administrative) level password to override the SIM PIN lock, although there may be.

If it's possbile to hook it up via a USB cable to the PC then that might present a way to read the contents, however if the mesages have been deleted then I'm afraid there's every likelihood they ARE actually deleted. SIM's are not like Windows, where the reference to the entry is deleted to allow overwriting of data. When you delete something from the SMS memory location the SIM will tend to overwrite the data immediately with 0xFF (i.e. FF signifies free space, all bits set to 1)

If he CAN hook it up to the PC then tell him to go to Device Manager & check which COM port the phone is on, then to use hyperterminal on that COM port & attempt to interrogate the phones SMS memory by using the following AT commands (type it in exactly as it appears between the quotes);

1. "AT+CMGL=?"

..This will hopefully bring up the memory locations which the phone supports & is using, the locations we should see are (in fact, the resonse from the phone should be):

Response: "+CMGL=<rec unread>,<rec read>,<sto unread>,<sto read>"

The locations we're interested in are <rec read>, & if it's there, <sto read>

I.E. Received & read messages & Stored read messages.

2. Next command, to list the messages

"AT+CMGL=<rec read>"

Response: This should bring up all the messages stored in the phone memory (the <sto read> field usually only applies to saved messages)

3. Finally, to read the messages of interest (the previous command will show how many there are, starting at message no.1)

"AT+CMGR=enter the message number you want to read here, i.e. for the first message it'd be a 1, for the second a 2 etc"

There ya goes.

I know this all looks a bit long winded but its the best way (& possibly the only way) to have a look at what's on there, if you show him these instructions & let me know what the phones reponse is to the commands being sent I might be able to shed a bit more light on the situation & perhaps amend a couple of commands to home in on the stuff of interest.

Good luck

19-12-2006, 04:06 PM
Thanks m8 some great info in you're post m8 cheers ;)

My mate isn't very technically minded so he might have to bring the phone here for me to try with hyperterminal.

The problem is going to be getting his wifes phone out of the house and bringing it here for inspection.

He's been looking at buying the software on this site _http://www.simcon.no/ which he was hoping to use himself from home when his missus had gone to sleep.

Anyone any experience with the simcon software?

21-12-2006, 09:45 PM
This software will do the job just as easily hda5


Also on that page are the commands (link near the bottom) for interrogating whichever EF (Elementary File) you wish to see.

It's really just a case of building simple commands via a text file to read certain locations. Like I mentioned in the first reply though, if the PIN is enabled it poses a problem.

Once he's downloaded it & got it into the programmer, which may not work BTW i.e. he might need to fart about with it to get the SW to recognise it, the first thing to type in there is DisableCHV 1 (Disable Card holder verification level 1)

Here are the commands usable via the application - I'll post up tomorrow or Saturday the actual locations of the EFsms we're trying to find. I'd like to help out more but I'm a busy boy tonight I'm afraid - but I will do my best

Commands: http://www.quantaq.com/uc_userguide/commands.htm

23-12-2006, 09:35 PM
In the meantime, why not swap the sim in her phone for a duff one?
Then she'll have to get a replacement from O2, whilst you interrogate her original (don't forget to disconnect the antenna in the phone you'll be useing to connect to your PC)

Was in the same position a few years ago and would have given anything to read her messages, the sly *^&$£*& !!!!

03-01-2007, 12:34 AM
hello,i am in the same situation myself,and would like to know which is the best or easiest software to use.did your mate get his problem sorted.i have an infinity phoenix card reader.i have been on the simcon site and seen that there software is 49 pounds,but have had no reply from the quantaq site.

03-01-2007, 01:15 AM

I haven't heard back from my m8 since so not sure what happened or if he got into the sim and I don't want to ask him just in case it's bad news. The last thing he said he was going to do was buy the simcon kit. I adviced him to phone them first to check the software would do exactly what he needed. Try contacting simcon direct m8 there is a phone number on their site and ask them if their kit will do what you need. I hope it all works out for the best m8 ;)

03-01-2007, 10:00 AM
Just a quick note to point out: the quantaq software can be downloaded as a free trial.

03-01-2007, 01:02 PM
search google 4 spy phone u can listen to her when shes out,her phone only needs to accept a text once u can do that when shes asleep.pilsner

03-01-2007, 06:58 PM
id never go into my wifes phone or try to bug her or read her messages . i know this sounds a bit silly but why the hell dont you just ask her outright ffs? whatever happened to trust and honesty mate? if its over and shes seein someone else get rid move on end of? sorry if this is abrupt guys but come on its like a hell of a load o trouble to see if the ol duch is playin away, plus from the folks ive known in the past who ave or suspected, they always have ad a excuse of wrong number . surely to ask outright or spit a bit o truth out ere is surely the best policy, cheaper and a ****e load o less heartache and bother?

03-01-2007, 07:32 PM
id never go into my wifes phone or try to bug her or read her messages . i know this sounds a bit silly but why the hell dont you just ask her outright ffs? whatever happened to trust and honesty mate? if its over and shes seein someone else get rid move on end of? sorry if this is abrupt guys but come on its like a hell of a load o trouble to see if the ol duch is playin away, plus from the folks ive known in the past who ave or suspected, they always have ad a excuse of wrong number . surely to ask outright or spit a bit o truth out ere is surely the best policy, cheaper and a ****e load o less heartache and bother?

Thats all well and good in theory but some people will never
tell you the truth so asking them wont get you anywhere

I understand what you are saying though but sometimes
you just have to find out for yourself otherwise it will
send you nuts especially where women are concerned :rolleyes:


04-01-2007, 12:37 AM
thanks for the replies.
@wellytronic,i think you have to have a company ,and
web site address before you can download the evaluation copy.

04-01-2007, 08:13 AM
If the missus phone has a bluetooth connection u can play with it while its on,lets say accept the connection to send her one ringtone and at the time it connects on the pc can grab everything in seconds :)

04-01-2007, 01:05 PM
Tell him to read up on Neuro linguistic programming ,doesnt take much to differentiate between lies and truth ,very easy to learn as well ,especially when you know her reactions .

04-01-2007, 01:36 PM
or hire a private detective for about 150 quid that will give all the evidence he needs to end the misery?

09-01-2007, 12:53 AM
Well spotted jacko, I neglected to see that cos last time I downloaded it it WAS for my company.

Let me see if I can grab a copy off our server & if I can I'll upload it. I'll need to see if I can't remove references to my lot mind you, so no promises but I'll see what I can do.

Additional: By the way, the AT commands I postedin my first reply are by far the easiest way to interrogate the phone, all you need is the USB cable & driver & Hyperterminal. If you can get that then I can walk you through reading whatever is on there step-by-step.

Forgive me if I'm not always on here but there are so many forums & so little time, I usually log in daily at unlockers though so if you need to get a hold of me pop in & PM me. I WILL continue to moniter this thread however, cos i'd like to see you guys get a result, if only for the sake of your sanity. All the best

09-01-2007, 02:14 PM
thanks for your help wellytronic,
experimenting with some software called mobiledit
at the moment.

07-02-2007, 04:20 PM
Hi lads,

Sorry for the long delay, been away for a wee bit. Regarding the SW (USIM Commander) - there's no way I can get the fecker to remove my company's details so unfortunately I'm not going to be able to up it for you.

I had a look at the SIMCON SW though & that seems to be a good bet.

08-02-2007, 06:54 PM
I'd go with adamxcapell's post (#10)

Just ask her outright and forget all the bolox about getting stuff from her phone. Liars are easy to spot especially by their body language and facial expressions.

08-02-2007, 08:29 PM
Not sure if this will help but I learnt about this site a few years ago. You get a text sent to the phone once and delete it then you can use it to trace exactly where the phone is at any time.

This allows you to follow if you suspect.


This is just one of the many though if you do a search on google under phone tracker you will find very good sites. They are fantastic for if your kids are running late coming home you can check they are safe without them knowing



10-03-2007, 02:28 PM
sorry from me for the long delay.
if you have a infinity usb unlimited programmer,there is
now software you can use with it called sim editor
which also reads the deleted text messages.
the editor does not work with the infinity usb phoenix
card reader

03-04-2007, 02:12 PM
y not clone her sim ??

03-04-2007, 04:34 PM
Just say, do you mind if i send a message from youre phone to mine? as i need to check if my phone is working properly, if she makes an excuse then be suspicious