View Full Version : ram edit prob

20-12-2006, 08:55 PM
I am trying to add some keys using ram editor, but when they are all typed in using remote all ok till I hit the ok button, they just go back to all "0" . so basicly I can not enter any keys anywhere, any help will be great. Cheers Mark

voith driver
21-12-2006, 12:41 AM
and in answer to this, you must have a bin in before you can edit

21-12-2006, 07:39 AM
cheers for replying, I have tried loading a bin in using dsr9500 5.6. it looks like its going in, top left counts upto 100%, when i check ram editor all blank or "0"s on every page. Try again when i get up

voith driver
21-12-2006, 08:51 AM
hi choppermark,
the way to check if the bin has gone in is to do a verify, if it does a clean reply then no problem but if it takes longer than a second or two to finish then there is a problem, and the latest dsr is 5.6

21-12-2006, 07:49 PM
sorry to be a pain mate, but I still cant get any keys to load, I am getting to the stage of attacking it with a hammer.
I have tried various key bins new and old just to get anything on the screen of the ram editor. I have loaded hot77 from rapid is this complete or is anything missing,
now when i use dsr5.6 i get msg not valid fw and fw check failed, when it does seem to load still nothing on screen
is there anything i can do besides use as a paperweight

21-12-2006, 08:53 PM
Have you set DSR Emu to work with your humax and not a Samsung

Open DSR Emu 5.6 and go to [ ? > Settings > Humax Def ]

also set your comport

Set comport [ ? > Settings > Comport ]

Load keys with your humax switched on


21-12-2006, 09:34 PM
just tried and still no keys appear in ram editor after loading, its hammer time. I'm of to work now so will have another go tomorrow.
thanks, any other ideas greatly appriciated

21-12-2006, 09:53 PM
hi ferddie here ive got same problem as choppermark keys wont stay on box.:confused: :confused: :mad:

22-12-2006, 07:40 PM
Thanks for your help TNT, I did check the settings under the question mark, finaly did it by loading key bin then turning stb off and on with remote, it worked, but I do have to say I have never had to do that before.
merry Xmas and thx
Cheers Mark