View Full Version : What is nagra-17 ram bin?

20-12-2006, 09:27 PM
when trying to load keys using dsr9500 v5.6cw i get asked if this is new nagra-17 type ram bin,
I am still having trouble loading any sort of key whether using ram editor or dsr9500, on screen display still shows pages of "0"

I am using hot 3.4 7.7 at the moment I have tried 7.5 still no difference


20-12-2006, 09:53 PM
Put this key bin out off his map "naked" on your dekstop. And try loading again.greetings

bohs punks
20-12-2006, 10:41 PM
on the settings tab of dsr have you selected humax def? selected correct comport? also verify from box will tell you if key has loaded so worth selecting that.

is your hummy config set to card + emu? are you loading keys with fta station selected or try with funcard removed

hope some / one of these is the answer as part of my "routine" when loading keys.

20-12-2006, 10:49 PM
If it happens when you load the bin then its probably an old
bin file for the previous DSR's that didn't support the
nagra-17 type ram bin


voith driver
21-12-2006, 12:39 AM
hi choppermark,
and if all else fails and you still do not see the keys come in, reload your channel settings file, this will reset everything bin wise, and allow you to load the bin, remember to change caid to card + emu
hope this helps

21-12-2006, 07:43 AM
Thanks Voith, I'll give that a go.

what is the latest dsr? I am using 5.6 at mo, or rather the trial version with just read and write buttons

21-12-2006, 02:44 PM
Thanks Voith, I'll give that a go.

what is the latest dsr? I am using 5.6 at mo, or rather the trial version with just read and write buttons

DSR 5.6 is the latest and there is no trial version as its freeware

At one point DSR did not support 17 Nagra Idents like DSR
5.6 does, if you load an old keybin done on a DSR that
didn't support 17 nagra idents then DSR 5.6 will give you
that message

You need to load an up to date bin created on DSR 5.6


21-12-2006, 03:02 PM
@TNT, I should have refrased my earlier post better, I used not a trial version but there was another version in the download if you had trouble using dsr5.6. just a long thin box with read and write buttons on it

@ Voith, I gave the channel settings a go but I still have a blank ram editor.

do you recon a spring clean may do the job. I did try installing the original firmware then a toh setting to no avail.

21-12-2006, 03:13 PM
If you are still getting "is new nagra-17 type ram bin" then
that will be your problem you cant load that bin


voith driver
21-12-2006, 09:29 PM
hi choppermark,
no do not do a springclean, this is a sledge to crack a peanut, i only made that file up mainly for when you have been playing around with the box, and got it so tied up you don't know what you have done or what you need to do next, so the best solution is to start afresh.

after loading your new channel settings with hnfsmart you change caid to card+emu, then load a new bin with dsr9500 5.6cw this is assuming you have toh3.4 hot 7.7, and also that the bin you are putting in is for hot 7.7

if you are still not getting the bin in, i can only wonder if your null modem cable is a fully wired one or a made at home 3 lead one.

also just a thought, i am assuming you have a fun card with a old 6/1 card in place and its installed the correct way.

which also reminds me, after you load the bin, what do you do, the best way is to turn the stb off with the handset, and turn it back on with the front panel button, sometimes if you switch off the power before doing this you wipe it.

sorry i can't think of anything else

21-12-2006, 10:12 PM
hi ferddie here, cheers vioth driver ty that, still no joy :confused:

22-12-2006, 07:37 PM
Thanks Voith, Tried again after a pm from another member saying the same as your self, selected FTA channel loaded bin using dsr5.6 then turned stb of with remote then back on with remote, keys were there at last and I can also edit again, (never had to turn stb off before) Thanks for your help and patience.
A merry Xmas to you.
Cheers Mark

voith driver
22-12-2006, 08:07 PM
hi choppermark,
glad you got it sorted out, it is a fixture when the bins came out that, (as they were installed in the stb instead of the card) that you had to turn off then back on with the remote, or 0 and rcl, to set the bin, but i have found that the new bins sometimes need the added bit of doing it with the front panel button, but on no account switch it off at the wall, before doing this as it just wipes the bin.
happy viewing