View Full Version : Ok got the new box and it aint goint to plan

20-12-2006, 11:32 PM
MV 8000CIS

I haven't even got started and things hit a brick wall.

Using the Xvision board, reading/following Graham7 steps. Here is whats happening

Using Boxloader 1.3 (Xvision would not let me download it) getting it from elsewhere, it connects via com 2, reads the SW version 1.12

Pressing Upload box loader & selecting "SERVER CHANGE VN8000CIS - full flash.bin" would not send it to the STB (thats version 1.51 full flash dump 2006-07-23 ).

So , which boxloader file do I need ? Xvision board stopped letting me download anything ? why ? it let me do a few then blocked ?!!

Also tried the Update software button in BoxLoader and nothing happend. (but remember it did connect and read the STB SW version).

Can't use other than Boxloader as the other clever tools are blocked !!


21-12-2006, 12:50 AM
Hi M8

Try the Mitega Vision Tools 2.8. You can't use the S3rv3r change until you have installed some of the other software.

21-12-2006, 11:12 AM
Hi M8

Try the Mitega Vision Tools 2.8. You can't use the S3rv3r change until you have installed some of the other software.

Well, got it to work, but still not 100%

As I said, I could not download any tools m8, so no Mitega Tools 2.8 for me to try.

I read around and found out that wanted the 1.18 dump for the bootloader, which I managed to grab from another site after some googling. That done, I used the internet update method for latest ver1.71, it started updating until it reached about 60% then:

Error 8 shown on panel (this is not RS232 , but eathernet) , and I could not tell whats wrong with it.

Tried many times I keep getting the Err 8 , so found the dump version for 1.71 and used Boxloader again and RS232 this time, it worked.

So I have the thing running with European server , not had much time to play with all the channels it can do.

But for future, I want the internet update to work , why do I get Err 8 ? anybody had similar prob ?

I know it means bad null modem cable , but this is eathernet I get it with ?


21-12-2006, 12:49 PM
I know it means bad null modem cable , but this is eathernet I get it with ?


No sorry I have not had this the only think is wait for new sw and then try again as your VN is up to date and see if it works then.