View Full Version : Premiere back!!!

21-12-2006, 02:23 PM
Premiere again works with new keys on emu:)

21-12-2006, 02:26 PM
yes , as it works on old emus probably MECM is temporarly
turned off by the provider .

21-12-2006, 02:40 PM
yes,it works!!

21-12-2006, 02:41 PM
yes , as it works on old emus probably MECM is temporarly
turned off by the provider .

lets hope its temporarily over xmas.....and new year [i'm greedy]

21-12-2006, 03:27 PM
Working a peach at the mo!! I agree with you scrappy, hopefully a Xmas gift from Premiere!!

21-12-2006, 03:48 PM
thanks for the info :)

21-12-2006, 04:12 PM
anybody know if there is a softcam for 1500ci available please

21-12-2006, 04:43 PM
dont think there is a softcam , just enter the keys manually

21-12-2006, 05:33 PM
most odd that as one comes available,they all open up,whats the odds on official leaks to get punters interested in their packages,wouldn,t be surprised to see that keys are available for d+ again and for longer than a few hours,these companies must be after us to become members,,,,,,,,lol

21-12-2006, 05:39 PM
it's more likely that they are preparing to disable the current few
emus that handle MECM .

21-12-2006, 05:47 PM
I have some keys but dont seem to work, can anyone send me keys please

21-12-2006, 05:58 PM
thanks for the news, works perfect on dreambox :D

21-12-2006, 05:58 PM
can anyone remember where to find premiere listings. no live links but a decent clue would do.

21-12-2006, 06:03 PM
ok,vip chat area, go to where the guy wants access to,look for nagra keys.also my location can help.

21-12-2006, 06:04 PM
most odd that as one comes available,they all open up,whats the odds on official leaks to get punters interested in their packages,wouldn,t be surprised to see that keys are available for d+ again and for longer than a few hours,these companies must be after us to become members,,,,,,,,lol

More likely part of a co-ordinated plan to switch us off. I'd be surprised if this is still working by the weekend. My guess is that the broadcasting companies have been working together to give us black screens over Xmas. Their version of a nice Xmas surprise. :D

Not usually a Jonah but I feel this isn't good news if you've t-rex etc. :frown:

21-12-2006, 06:07 PM
afraid its the season of,is your glass half full or half empty,lol

21-12-2006, 06:15 PM
Thanks for the news. Hope this lasts a bit.

21-12-2006, 06:17 PM
Not usually a Jonah but I feel this isn't good news if you've t-rex etc. :frown:

Yeah I'm looking at my T-Rex and thinking 'uh-oh'.

Can't see them switching MCEM off for the fun of it :redface:

21-12-2006, 06:19 PM
afraid its the season of,is your glass half full or half empty,lol

I'm afraid it's going to be a case of an empty glass over Xmas. :eek:

Otherwise I'd have been happy enough with Premiere through my t-rex even though K3 is down.

21-12-2006, 07:47 PM
hi, can anyone tell me how to put keys in dragon with echostar 3600? is it the same as putting d+ in? & which pred file does it use?
please help a lady out!!!!!!!!!!!1

21-12-2006, 08:16 PM
Nice one, hope this lasts over christmas
ok using hummy

21-12-2006, 09:13 PM
Everytime we get a similar gift it ends badly hehe. Bitter sweet viewing.

22-12-2006, 10:33 AM
not working on echostar 3000viap !! any idea guys ??

22-12-2006, 12:26 PM
Has anyone got a channel list!!!!

22-12-2006, 01:33 PM
Has anyone got a channel list!!!!
It is not quite that simple. Premiere uses an EPG based system (a bit like S!y). So the frequencies are a re-direct from the portals of the main menus.
It means that what is **** one day can be sport the next, etc.

Many receivers don't see a channel name when scanning.

22-12-2006, 01:42 PM
Ok thanks i get it now! (EPG)

22-12-2006, 02:41 PM
It is not quite that simple. Premiere uses an EPG based system (a bit like S!y). So the frequencies are a re-direct from the portals of the main menus.
It means that what is **** one day can be sport the next, etc.

Many receivers don't see a channel name when scanning.

I think the **** ones - hard and soft - don't change. At least they don't for me. It's the regular channels where you have to have a film channel on right at the countdown - normally at the half hour - to know what's coming on. :D

22-12-2006, 07:51 PM
That is ood business!!!

23-12-2006, 12:50 AM
Working fine on my Dragon cam so good as gold so far. Many thanks for the updates friends.:) ;)

Merry Christmas,


23-12-2006, 01:07 AM
Premiere again works with new keys on emu:)

Premiere has never gone away for anyone with a TSM or Diablo. :rolleyes:

23-12-2006, 01:09 AM
or original card :D

23-12-2006, 01:53 AM
or original card :D

Its better then an original card. With an original card you dont get PPV without paying :D

23-12-2006, 02:06 AM
On uploads there is some like new n2 emu, i didnt tested it, in description there is info that it open d+, cabo, prem and csat france.

Sounds good stuff mate but I ain't holding my breath for that one just incase it is another fake.



23-12-2006, 02:53 AM
Hi has any one got this working in the Humax HDCI1000, should there be 4 rows of zeroes in the place where one would normally insert hex/dec? Please.
Thanks for any help

23-12-2006, 03:26 AM
*neotion send me pm with location and i will test the file mate.

23-12-2006, 01:11 PM
On uploads there is some like new n2 emu, i didnt tested it, in description there is info that it open d+, cabo, prem and csat france.

Csat France? Are they using nagra2?

23-12-2006, 02:22 PM
On some channels there is changes of Audio PID's :)
Movies and Series on Premiere from 14.12 to 26.12 :


Usually the alternative audio is found by adding 1 or 2 to the German audio AID.

I think the **** ones - hard and soft - don't change. At least they don't for me. It's the regular channels where you have to have a film channel on right at the countdown - normally at the half hour - to know what's coming on. :D
Some **** goes off when there are lots of sporting events but, yes, it mainly affects the number of Direkt Movie channels.

If you are using a Skystar card there is a nifty add-on called Green Button that sorts it all out.

23-12-2006, 04:07 PM
I must say i am confused with this emu...when opened in notepad, Via Digital appears aswell as other providers which to my knowledge dont use Nagra 2....

24-12-2006, 01:32 AM
I must say i am confused with this emu...when opened in notepad, Via Digital appears aswell as other providers which to my knowledge dont use Nagra 2....
Which emu?

The ones for SS1/2s etc. can handle almost all flavours of encryption that are public (have a look at inside a softcam file to see which are currently suported).

24-12-2006, 11:34 AM
Just gone black here :(

24-12-2006, 11:55 AM
still ok here

24-12-2006, 11:56 AM
You've got a problem your end m8, i'm watching a film on premiere 2 right now.;)

24-12-2006, 12:03 PM
Just gone black here :(

Power down your receiver then restart it.

If it was really down you would see loads of posts on here about it.

24-12-2006, 01:22 PM
Wow, this has lasted longer than I thought.

Anyone know why they switched off their added encryption?

Can't be for a new encryption system as over xmas would be the worst time to do it surely?

24-12-2006, 01:36 PM
Wow, this has lasted longer than I thought.

Anyone know why they switched off their added encryption?

Can't be for a new encryption system as over xmas would be the worst time to do it surely?

It may be to do with the new pre-paid viewing cards, and rather have loads of customers ringing up their call centre with problems over xmas, they switched it off so that it would avoid black screens to official customers.

24-12-2006, 02:52 PM
Thanks guys, had changed my ccam config and it seems to have been incorrect, undid those changes and its back :)

24-12-2006, 03:07 PM
It may be to do with the new pre-paid viewing cards, and rather have loads of customers ringing up their call centre with problems over xmas, they switched it off so that it would avoid black screens to official customers.

Ahhh that would make sense, cheers Xanadu.

Guess us T-Rex owners needn't worry as they'll probably just swith MECM back on :D

Indeed, what better advert for the cams!

24-12-2006, 05:07 PM
not working on echostar 3000viapwith Dragon CAM !! any idea guys ??

24-12-2006, 06:21 PM
Working on SS2

24-12-2006, 06:40 PM
I must be the only one how can not get premiera,c+,or tps... even though i have Dragon cam and i have a Manhaton reciver am i doing something wrong? or using the wong files in my dragon??? if you can explain why or how then please do ... it christmas and i will be spending a lot of time at home .....i can get hotbird and astra.....

24-12-2006, 06:50 PM
Joelam. I don't know if you are doing something wrong or not as you don't say what you have tried doing. I know nothing about Manhattan but you should get Premiere via your Dragon pointing at 19.2E. Look around for Pred 355 file ie one with Premiere in title.

24-12-2006, 06:55 PM
i try that and see thank you

25-12-2006, 02:14 AM
Works perfectly on an Echostar3000IPVA + Dragon (pred3.51)

25-12-2006, 11:14 AM
@ Joelam ... if your Manhattan is one of the Starlight receivers (5800, 6900, MX etc.) some Predator files don't work. It's to do with the CAIDs in the file. Download CAID_SHA_Fix and change 4A70 to 0604 (if 0604 is missing). It's very easy to do. Alternatively you can re-program your receiver with Anion software - see the Manhattan section.

26-12-2006, 03:37 PM

For me it is very strange that we now can open Premiere with the prehistorical Titanium 1 Card and not not all that Maffia based card as Cerebro, K3 etc. This means we do not need that expensive cards. Whe only need to wait till smart guys are writting the correct software. Is their also an option to use funcards for Premiere, D+, TPS etc in the near futute?

Is their also a file availible to decrypt Premiere in Cerebro or D+ on Cerebro or Titanium.


26-12-2006, 05:57 PM
Only possible because of a step backwards by the broadcaster - the reason remains to be seen!