View Full Version : Another year of the humax ahead

bohs punks
21-12-2006, 03:18 PM
just felt like saying what a great box the humax 5400 is and what a great amount of service i have got from it over the years, got mine 4 years ago with the warning of "could get years of use or the stations could all go next week"

well years later it's still going strong and doing as much as most other boxes. especially great was the start of the emus.

So heres looking forward to a great humax 5400 year in 2007 and many thanks to all who help esp the ToH team - legends!

21-12-2006, 03:28 PM
dont see why not, just look at how busy this section is compared to other stb's

21-12-2006, 04:08 PM
Absolutely! I've had mine now for five or six years and quite satisfied. The only thing I miss is Usals compatibility for the motor, which is a minor detail.

21-12-2006, 05:05 PM
Mines about 6 years old as well, its been a fantastic box for one reason only!

all the support that was given free of charge by the toh team and lots of other peeps, they have kept it alive and kicking.

Well done to them.

21-12-2006, 05:09 PM
Mines about 6 years old as well, its been a fantastic box for one reason only!

all the support that was given free of charge by the toh team and lots of other peeps, they have kept it alive and kicking.

Well done to them.
i agree with you 100% .it would be nothing without their support

21-12-2006, 05:19 PM
i agree with you 100% .it would be nothing without their support

Of course, I also agree on that point. I don't think there is any support team like toh for any other brand.

22-12-2006, 03:07 PM
Yaep we can't complain for our hummy's services...Thinking of moving my 2.4m mesh dish from Arabsat to 4w for Megasport...