View Full Version : LNB with connectors anywhere other than the bottom

22-12-2006, 12:52 PM
MY problem is that my roof tiles are catching the F connectors from my LNB (motorised) - i'm down to two choices:

1. Try and get another LNB with connectors somewhere else other than the bottom of the LNB (can anyone link me to possible candidates pls)


i rotate my current LNB 180 degrees- will this work or will i get weak signals???

22-12-2006, 12:57 PM
Rotating 180 degrees will make no difference to the signal, but will put your f-type connectors in a vulnerable position for water ingress, cant you nove your dish slightly higher on the mount to avoid problem?

22-12-2006, 01:00 PM
thats the answer i wanted mate


i will plaster the buggers with mastick.

(no cant go any higher no room on pole - lol)