View Full Version : sirius 5e

22-12-2006, 02:01 PM
hi guys i need help,just moved house mounted my dish and can get sirius but cant seem to find anything else thor should be very close shouldn't it but naff all. i'm in devon uk any help would be appreciated

22-12-2006, 02:16 PM
@robloman,yes indeed it is thor is approxamitly 1w,but pointless really as nothing open on thor at the min,unless you got official card.try sticking to 5e,13e,and 19e as nothing else is open on the west side at the min only a handfull of channels.19e is best sat at the min m8 in my honest opinion.

22-12-2006, 02:48 PM
yeah i had hotbird and astra at my old place but this new house is in a crappy position with trees and buildings all round. women dont seem to think about these things !! thanks for the reply barney

22-12-2006, 03:11 PM
Hiya m8
Sounds like you need to start from scratch with setting your dish positioner
Best thing to do -make sure the mast/pole is dead straight -check with spirit level then loosen the dish mount on the pole
Select a FTA channel on Thor -Kioisk 1 (shows the film promos) also on your sat menu get the signal strength/quality indicator on screen -move the dish slowly left to right & ask someone to keep an eye on screen for changes in info on screen
Then when u pick the above adjust the dish to maximise signal strength etc -tighten up & then reset east to west limits as your dish was set up against your old property & rescan for new positions
Good Luck;)

23-12-2006, 08:45 AM
ah well thats where the problem lies because i cannot find thor i have sirius very good signal thor should be near but as i said before just cant find it :confused:

23-12-2006, 10:12 AM
sorry guys my tm 5000ci told me it was sirius looking at the channels it is astra 19 e what a plonker:redface: so i'll start from there!!

23-12-2006, 12:05 PM
What is you longitude and latitude? Longitude will affect which bird you use for south and latitude will affect your dish elevation. If you are at ~5W don't use Thor for south: use Telecom 2C which is at 5W but would be due south of you. Get your dish angles set for due south and everything else should fall into place. Get a copy of the Newnes Guide to Satellite TV - library or ******s used to sell them.