View Full Version : Humax PR-HD1000

22-12-2006, 08:59 PM
New firm. available hdxsci10008 for humax HD2000
Can I use this new soft for Humax PR-HD1000 ? Or, how I can change Premiere parental code without original Premiere card? Is it possible?

23-12-2006, 11:01 AM
No the software is not interchangeable at the moment.

The parental control should be set at 16, the highest protection available.
The factory preset password is the usual 0000. If it has changed you can reset by going in the System menu just like the 2000.
Highlight System, then press red, green, yellow, blue, yellow, green, red.

23-12-2006, 12:13 PM
The factory psw is ok. But I have not original premier card. Most movies annotate not below 16, and then tuner need premiere parental control. It is not 0000. If I put 0000, say that it is not correct. Do You see a solution?

23-12-2006, 02:54 PM
Make sure you are on software version HDTSNA 1.00.21

23-12-2006, 03:03 PM
Nope, I have 1.00.22. When I turned it first, tuner make OTA soft refresh, without my assent :mad: And to go back I think it is not possible.