View Full Version : Dish Drops very slightly in Elevation every month

23-12-2006, 12:57 PM

I have a 1metre motorised (technomate motor) dish, which is connected to a Humax 5400

Every since going to a motorised setup, the dish seems to drop very slightly in elevation every 6-8 weeks, therefore, l have to go back, and re-adjust it.
The signal level and signal quality are usually 80% on 13 East and on 5 East

But then it drops to 70% (level) and 60% (quality) on hotbird which is still viewable, but 50% (level) and 15% (quality) on 5 East - which is unviewable. on Thor - 1 West - thats on BBC World there is 47% (level) and 0% (quality)

Any ideas why this would be the cause. All the screws and blots are tightened to max

Could of been that it has been windy recently and force which is applied to the dish, could have resulted in it moving back and thus dropping in elevation?

Any other ideas of how to resolve this would be greatly appreciated before l go up today and adjust it


23-12-2006, 04:43 PM
is your setup ground mounted or wall mounted?

23-12-2006, 04:55 PM

its wall mounted

23-12-2006, 08:45 PM
Have you checked that the mounting pole is still upright. Do not want to worry you but their is such a thing as subsidence and ground heave. It's just that it happened to me once.

23-12-2006, 10:15 PM
Have you checked that the mounting pole is still upright. Do not want to worry you but their is such a thing as subsidence and ground heave. It's just that it happened to me once.

I'd look at that as well. If you say the dish bolts are tightened to the maximum you can, then there is a weakness elsewhere. Also look at the possibility of the pole having been rotated in their clamps due to the high torsional wind loading on your dish. This would move your dish off the correct arc and possibly fool you into thinking the dish had lost elevation.

When you've got your dish re-aligned a suggestion for the future would be to indelibly mark across fixings so that if movement occurs again the continuous mark would be broken and you'd see at a glance where the movement had occured.

30-12-2006, 03:23 PM
thanks for the responses guys, l got full signal again on BBC World (1 West), the elevation was fine in fact, it was that the dish slightly moved towards east, which could have been due to the high winds in recent days

30-12-2006, 05:26 PM
how did you cure the prob , i have probs with mine at the moment due too the wind, dont want to do too much moving of the dish.

31-12-2006, 05:30 PM
its easy to stop these movements drill a hole throught the clamp and pole then put a nut and bolt through the hole it cannot move now


31-12-2006, 06:52 PM
lol check your house aint sinking....