View Full Version : Help my motor is loosing the stored sats..

23-12-2006, 02:57 PM
EVERY morning after having my brand new Humax on standby all night I find my dish gone back to some east position(always the same!!)...I then have to do a motor reset with receiver and then it is all fine again.
What do you think that is??
Hope motor is not going on me!!:mad:

23-12-2006, 11:39 PM
My Humax is not new but I am having motor problems. It started with the dish moving to 13E every time I turned it on. Then it stopped moving to certain sat positions when changing channels and I had to do it manually. Then the User and Installer options when moving the dish started playing up.

If you can move the dish manually, it would seem not to be the motor. I wonder whether the settings are causing problems. I know I have been cutting and pasting providers before uploading to the Humax.
