View Full Version : Help! Loss of signal 3600IP

24-12-2006, 12:06 PM
When I turn on the box from cold there is no signal, even on the stongest Sats. After about half an hour I get about 50% signal strength on chanels that I used to have 80/85%. I have checked out all of the connections to my dish but I suspect a component failure or a dry joint within the unit. Has anyone experienced this before or does anyone know where I should be looking witin the box?

24-12-2006, 12:25 PM
Get a can of freezer spray, and spray a bit of the circuits at a time and see if signal comes back to full strength. Possibly the tuner is faulty.
If you get the full signal back for a few seconds you will know which area is affected and look there for possible dry joints.

Unless you know what you are doing, you can do more harm than good trying to fix it and so really it's time to buy a new receiver.:rolleyes:

24-12-2006, 12:43 PM
Could it be the LNB?

24-12-2006, 12:56 PM
Could it be the LNB?

Worth trying another first. :)

Also check the feeder coax.

24-12-2006, 04:10 PM
I got hold of my brothers STB - he has the same setup. Signal is 80% so it's definately my STB. I think it's time to take off the lid........

24-12-2006, 04:16 PM
I have the same box mate so if all else fails go to the echostar's website and look for the manufacturer's branch. If you live in the UK mate then your best bet is contact them direct they still have the testing facilities as far as I'm aware and the people to service your system and are based in London so try that as a suggestion as well mate.

Best of luck on sorting out your system and Merry Christmas.;)


24-12-2006, 04:32 PM
I have the same box mate so if all else fails go to the echostar's website and look for the manufacturer's branch. If you live in the UK mate then your best bet is contact them direct they still have the testing facilities as far as I'm aware and the people to service your system and are based in London so try that as a suggestion as well mate.

Best of luck on sorting out your system and Merry Christmas.;)

eurosat london m8

27-12-2006, 05:23 PM
Many thanks for your help. I decided to invest in a new STB but I cannot decide on which one. Any suggestions, I just need 2 CI slots and a built in positioner to go with all the kit I already own.

28-12-2006, 01:19 PM
you have little choice i looked a year ago and gave up kept my old ad3000ipva as a spare and made sure the 3600ipva has plenty of cool air, the prob is i needed 36v to move a 1.8 dish, if you update may as well include hd, and all the 36v recievers out there are lower quality picture than the 3600, and i did not want a vbox,
you will probably find the only good option at the moment is add a vbox then all recievers are available
