View Full Version : Atlantic Bird 3

24-12-2006, 05:45 PM
hi all
i am receiving signal from this bird but am facing a problem with few
transponders i can only receive frequency 3646 symbol rate 2170 sr 3/4
signal level is on other transponders is good but without quality which means i can not tune the receiver.
i utilized the sat meter ****yzer to locate the signal but i can not tune any transponder on this digital sat meter,i have to use my Humax to tune the above frequency
does it require a special LNB or is there any other means to tune in the c-band frequencies?
only single mode LNB gave the above frequency,single solution LNB does not yield anything .help required

24-12-2006, 07:36 PM
Firstly the link you give is live - which is against the rules.
Yes you need a C-Band LNB to receive these frequencies and quite a large dish.
There are plenty of Ku band channels listed here
some of which you should be able to receive. Check the skew of the LNB - that may help if you're getting high signal strength reading but no/poor quality

25-12-2006, 10:48 AM
i receive all the KU channels mostly are encrypted i am interested in C-band channels only,as mentioned earlier i can receive transponder 3646 r 2170 S/RATE + 3732 L 11963 2/3 DATA channels
the rest of C-BAND TRANSPONDERS are nil signal quality,i was wondering why
if i can get freq.3646 R sr 2170 fec 3/4 why i dont receive freq 3658 R sr 2892fec 3/4?


25-12-2006, 02:17 PM
what size dish are you using for the c band signals c band lnb's of 11K can be purchased quite cheap these days what lnb are you using