View Full Version : Motorised Dish Arc Tracking Query

25-12-2006, 11:59 AM
Spent all last weekend installing new motorised Lemon 1m dish with 36V polar mount (Jaeger 99g). Having not done a motorised set up for about 10 years, spent ages trying to get it to find the arc properly. Have made sure ground pole is absolutely vertical, polar elevation is correct for my location, etc. Dish finds Thor and sats close to centre (e.g. hotbird). Trouble is satellites at extremes of arc (e.g. hispasat at west, turk sat at East) will not be located unless I manully tilt dish up slightly, then great signal. Have tried adjusting dish by making dish tilt higher, but then lose central sats ! Anyone got a foolproof guide to installation ? Also, anyone know offset angle for a Lemon 1m dish, as was not in instructions? Thanks in advance for your help..

25-12-2006, 01:05 PM
I have the same polar mount and a prime focus dish. Your problem stems from securing the mount in a slightly incorrect elevation angle for your location. Whilst focusing on 1 west adjust the mount upwards very slightly and see if this improves matters at each end. Its trial and error even for the professionals some times. Good luck!

25-12-2006, 04:00 PM
Thanks hoskey for response on xmas day ! Found out after much research that the instructions were wrong - you have to take 90 from your latitude to get the correct motor setting, not just set the motor to your latitude as the instructions stated ! Now tracking arc fine !