View Full Version : Hdxci10008 S/w!!

25-12-2006, 03:15 PM
Working fine here in full 5.1 digital over HDMI (£19.00) nikkai 5 mtr cables using pioneer VSXAX2AS-S as are all channels great!.:D

25-12-2006, 05:14 PM
Where can i find the new version? I didn't find it on humax side.

25-12-2006, 06:44 PM
It has not been released yet. Only a small number of people have it for testing.

I think they have tinkered with the picture quality again and made it worse.

In my opinion, it doesn't handle bright areas as good as it used to and you now get a glare as if the image is too intense!

Hope that makes sense?


25-12-2006, 08:00 PM
It was unnaofficialy released months (thats when i got it along with thousands of others) ago on a website, it has been since updated latest update 05/12/06 thats the one i'm using and it's fine over HDMI even though they are £19.00 cables.:D

Lets face it you be hard pressed to fault the picture and there are no faults over HDMI, even the human eye cant really distinguish the difference.

If anyone wants it i'll send it to you via e-mail for testing purposes only and at your own risk ok!.:D