View Full Version : Loss of 5 Degrees after an LNB change

Uncle Fester
27-12-2006, 01:27 PM
Hi All.

Scratching my head here, and looking for help. I am a newcomer to satellite tv and picked up a second-hand TM 5500CI super about a month ago.

Everything worked well for a couple of weeks until I rebooted the system after a dragon load and I lost all of the channels.

I went through the installation process in case the reboot had lost the satellites positions or transponders etc, to no avail, I then deleted Sirius at 5 degrees from the system to try and install it from the beginning, again to no avail.

It became apparent that the problem was hardware and not in the set up. Investigation proved that the Cambridge universal LNB had packed up. I replaced this with an Inverto IDL Silver Universal LNB and hey presto the system came back to life, and all the satellites reappeared with far better signal strength/quality levels than I ever had from the Cambridge LNB.

All except 5 degrees that is, which has disappeared from the satellite selection. I have gone through the installation procedure many times now, searching for all the associated transponders (12111/27500/Hor etc) moving the dish from both 1 degrees and 7 degrees towards the 5 degree point. Its as if it has vanished!!!

Am I doing something fundamentally wrong? Or could this be a problem with the Inverto LNB?

Any ideas would be appreciated. (Please note also posted on the Technomate area)

Uncle Fester::confused:

28-12-2006, 11:32 AM
It's very unlikely the new LNB would be the cause of the problem, it sounds to me as though you deleted the channel name for Sirius, and you need to add it again. I'm not too sure about the menu on your particular receiver, but there should be an option to do that. At the end of the day it wouldn't matter what name you had in the menu, if the tuning details are correct and the dish is pointing in the right direction, you'll get a signal. Look up the frequency for a channel you had working before this happened (lyngsat.com) and stick to that frequency. Go to the nearest satellite you can receive, then look at the E/W scale on the motor, and using that as a reference, move the dish (using the remote control) to where Sirius should be - I'm presuming you're using Diseqc 1.2. Very close to that point you should get a signal - if not, the dish alignment is suspect, but presume it's OK for now. Good luck!

28-12-2006, 02:36 PM
all so please remember that 5 east can be a bit of a bitch .. and in rain i loose most of the channels on my 90 cm dish ..

i think the easiest channel for me to finds was viasat history this seamed to be the strongest , so i would advise you do a search using this transponder and then see how well you pull all the other channels in.


29-12-2006, 04:23 AM
Enter & Enter film also strong. Channels are FTA too

12073.00 H 27500 3/4

31-12-2006, 03:33 PM
Hi All.

Scratching my head here, and looking for help. I am a newcomer to satellite tv and picked up a second-hand TM 5500CI super about a month ago.

Everything worked well for a couple of weeks until I rebooted the system after a dragon load and I lost all of the channels.

I went through the installation process in case the reboot had lost the satellites positions or transponders etc, to no avail, I then deleted Sirius at 5 degrees from the system to try and install it from the beginning, again to no avail.

It became apparent that the problem was hardware and not in the set up. Investigation proved that the Cambridge universal LNB had packed up. I replaced this with an Inverto IDL Silver Universal LNB and hey presto the system came back to life, and all the satellites reappeared with far better signal strength/quality levels than I ever had from the Cambridge LNB.

All except 5 degrees that is, which has disappeared from the satellite selection. I have gone through the installation procedure many times now, searching for all the associated transponders (12111/27500/Hor etc) moving the dish from both 1 degrees and 7 degrees towards the 5 degree point. Its as if it has vanished!!!

Am I doing something fundamentally wrong? Or could this be a problem with the Inverto LNB?

Any ideas would be appreciated. (Please note also posted on the Technomate area)

Uncle Fester::confused:

Come on Billy-boy come clean it's only the **** ur after:D
No worries m8 we will ave another go now Chrissy is done.


The Skipper
31-12-2006, 11:21 PM
I got a Dreambox and was messing about trying to add 2E Astra 1C and really messed things up.
I just wiped and reinstalled the latest sats file and all was clear :)
