View Full Version : tv8 footie biss and hummie 5400

27-12-2006, 09:25 PM
hi there,

just got the hot 7.8 and tps sorted. now considering a second dish and tv8

how easy is this biss business.....as i only want the one biss channel does this make the setup easier, and is this a regular code change (bin file) update to keep it going....

any helpful hints?

many thanks and a happy new year to all you satpimps!!!

29-12-2006, 04:51 AM
I can't remember when tv8 was last black due to a change but i don't think it happens often

Any up to date & good key.bin will have BISS keys included or you can add them yourself with remote

If you're interested in adding them with remote then check this:
