View Full Version : Help - please

28-12-2006, 08:17 PM
Just can't seem to get TP$ working.

I've installed new TOH patch, xamuh PMC 25/12, tried a number of HDF files that have been confirmed as working. Done this using the HDFsmart18 tool - even created one myself with Olits instructions. (was 40704 bytes long I think - as are most HDFs).

Do I need to change the size of the HDF file? and if so how - I D/L ultraedit but haven't got the foggiest how to use it. Any other editors (and instructions please) that I could use a bit easier?

Is there anything else I need to do that I haven't done already. Did get a glimpse of colours but went off (froze) straight away

Any help appreciated


28-12-2006, 08:30 PM
Did you adjust the time to Gmt+1?

28-12-2006, 08:50 PM
1 - Install ToH3.3 HoT7.8

2 - Install Current AES HDF

3 - Install keybin

4 - Set correct time GMT + One Hour

5 - Set humax to Card+Emu


voith driver
28-12-2006, 10:00 PM
then turn off by the handset and turn back on with the standby button on the stb, (to set the bin) you can get by with 0 (zero)then rcl, but sometimes this has failed with me

29-12-2006, 01:22 AM
thanks for tryin guys - followed instructions - must be missing something cos it won't work.

willtry again tmw

29-12-2006, 04:47 AM
must be missing something cos it won't work.
will try again tmw

A few things to remember:

You may have to wait about 10-20 secs for the channels to clear

You need a new hdf file everyday

You don't need to go through the whole procedure posted by TNT on a daily basis. This is just to get it going. You just need the hdf file

To check if your keys have been stored in hummy, you can either check if keys are present with remote in RAM editor, or verify keys using dsr emued56 or check channels still encrypted in via 2.3 like mezzo, slov tv 1 & 2

29-12-2006, 12:07 PM
Thanks for all the help - have finally managed to get colours.