View Full Version : 910 Route Demo question....

The Skipper
30-12-2006, 08:46 PM
My brother has just bought a 910 and is very pleased with it but has asked me to ask a question on this forum.
I thought it was the least I can do seeing as he gave me his old Navman icn510 :)

We are off to France next year.
Sailing to Santander (Spain) and then driving to Labenne Ocean just north of Biarritz. about 2-1/2 to 3 hours.
When he plans the route and then plays the demo, it stops about 80 miles short.
I reckoned it was because it was a long drive and maybe the 'internal' memory can't store that long a route?

Has anyone else had a similar problem.?



The Skipper
05-01-2007, 08:48 PM
my brother has just got a reply from Tom Tom.
Apparently the route demo only lasts for 180 miles or summat like that.
problem solved.
