View Full Version : LNB damage

31-12-2006, 02:51 AM
Took a look at my LNB today and found the transparent cover that protects the wave guide was broken. On investigating further it looked like birds had pecked away the thin transparent cover on the end of the feed horn.
Have tried it and the LNB still works o.k. So can I fix another cover over the broken one. Will it degrade the picture at all. The main thing is I want to stop the ingress of water.
So has any one got a suggestion of how to repair this, or is it a new LNB for me.

31-12-2006, 10:51 AM
Cling film for now (too thin, but will keep the rain out for a while). Always a problem finding a suitable replacement - would this be an Invacom LNB?

31-12-2006, 11:30 AM
Look for other older thread about this, i took an empty water bottle and put it over the lnb open front, so birds cannot reach the cover and it acts as rain umbrella too ;)

31-12-2006, 11:37 AM

I found a white plastic cap from a bottle of something and sealed it with silicone and it works perfect.

Cheers :)

31-12-2006, 09:02 PM
Thanks for the suggestions. Was thinking along the lines of using an old plastic pop bottle or perspex and silicone it onto the end. You are quite right it is an Invacom LNB.
Thanks once more.
All the best.