View Full Version : Tesco Technosonic

31-12-2006, 09:13 PM
I bought a Tesco Technosonic 32" LCD a couple of days ago £399. I got it because it is a re-branded Thompson that was £999 not long ago. (I already have Thompson telly that is very good)
Problem is that the picture will not come on after it has been switched off at the mains without switching it on and off a few times, it just stays in standby.
I checked with customer care who said I can have my money back but they are sold out of replacements.
It is a very good set and a bargain, I dont fancy sending it away to be fixed (all that bumping about)
Any ideas what it may be??????

01-01-2007, 12:21 AM
:confused: M8 if it's a couple of days old, bargain or not, get yer money back otherwise a could be a right can of worms.

Are there not any other branches near you with stocks?

01-01-2007, 02:48 AM
I have heard the later Technosonic's all die within a few weeks.

Just read AV Forums or MSE for confirmation.

Best to stick with the big names like Sony, Panasonic, Samsung. :)

01-01-2007, 12:04 PM
Hi Xanadu,
I had a look round and as usual its a mixed bag of reviews, many saying this set is equal quality to Toshiba etc. I have been given a number by Tescos for a refund or replacement which is valid until they get more in stock.
I am very pleased with the picture quality so I might just exchange it and hope!

01-01-2007, 12:41 PM
I think Tesco should give you your money back, and a "rain-check" voucher to enable you to purchase at the same price if they receive further stock. I believe Woolworths also sell a 32" Technosonic for £399.
Have they not agreed to fix it anyway, as it's obviously faulty? However I'd be a bit nervous at that route I'd admit.
Good Luck and Happy New Year.

01-01-2007, 02:39 PM
M8 do not know where you are but Tesco store in Bangor N Wales have 2 pallets full as you walk in.
if your close to us that is

Regards Jono

02-01-2007, 04:18 PM
Hi Jono,
North Es*** mate! About as far as you can get without getting your feet wet.

03-01-2007, 04:57 PM
LOL never mind M8 hope you sort it

Regards Jono

07-01-2007, 12:48 PM
heres the latest.
Took the telly back to Tescos when they said they had one (just one???) delivered overnight. Got the replacement home, the remote bag was opened, the remote had batteries allready in it and when I turned the telly on it didnt go into automatic scan as the book said it should????
Obviously a demo model put back in the box.
When I rang they said "impossible" we have a system to stop anything coming back into the warehouse.
So I said "OK but I would like a replacement because of the tampered package and I will write a covering note to your head office.
A little while later I got a call "yes it had been a demo model put back by the shop staff without telling the warehouse manager?????????
I am now waiting for a delivery of a third set.

07-01-2007, 01:10 PM
Hi friend, PLS NOTE: the tesco tecnosonic is NOT the same as the woolies technosonic. The Tesco one is no good. Pls dont keep it and get a refund! if you want a tecnosonic then get a wollies one!, AVfoums will confirm this. Also DONT by a techwood.

Marai and Teco are also getting good review as are Haans-g. But get rid of the Tesco pile of poo pls, u wont regret giving it back.

18-02-2007, 10:29 PM
I have had, and returned the tesco technosonic, I now have a mirai and it knocks it into the proverbial cocked hat m8

18-02-2007, 10:47 PM
I also have aMirai and I love the telly!!, its brilliant. PS: its a 532w100 model!

18-02-2007, 11:04 PM
You realise this could turn into the Mirai appreciation thread!

I have the the 632v200