View Full Version : Help! Factory reset on TM7755

03-01-2007, 02:11 AM
Hi Guys
i'm new to all this and I've not long ago bought a TM7755 and 12month ART card i then bought on goldwafers a T-Rex supermodule cam with T-Rex loader card and Infinity USB unlimited Programmer & FireCrypt access card 9 (haven't a clue what to do with this? it looks like a sim card on a normal loader card) anyway a mate installed the T-rex files on my card and he installed the files on his system using my cam and card to show me how it worked and it cleared but when i tried to do the same my reciever downloaded files T-Rex up and told me to remove card and restart my reciever it did'nt recognise the files and it went back to predasaur 2.08 i tried this numerous times so like an idiot ( i'm a grown man i can take it) i thought it would'nt clear because i'd messed about with the settings for the box so i went in to factory settings and reset box thinking it would give the box a fresh start and i could start again but i did'nt realise the motorised dish i have died a death and won't move it loooks like its asleep and never coming back i've tried everything but it won't move the lad who installed it say's it'll cost £120 for new motor, looks like damage limitation for me (no Excuses) any help gratefully accepted and thanks in advance

06-01-2007, 06:08 PM
What Type of motor is it?

Have you turned on Diseqc in receiver menu for the satellite. Its in MEnu, Auto Search and then Diseqc motor setting.

If motor is Technomate TM-2100A. Check to see if the light on the motor shows green when receiver turned after setting above, there is also a small push switch on the motor which will let you rotate the motor east or west depending on how it is pressed.


07-01-2007, 03:53 AM
thanks for your advice dave it was spot on the only other thing i did was go to motor position - move, then motor control set it to go to reference and it came back to life but i keep having to search for satellites i ,ve messed about with it that much i,ve upset all the settings so i,ll keep playing about with it until i find the right settings

08-01-2007, 09:55 PM
Glad to be of help
