View Full Version : Navman v3.5 map bought in error

The Skipper
03-01-2007, 01:06 PM

I just bought a Navman map off fleabay cd1 of 3, uk ireland spain etc...
Problem is it is v3.5 and I have v3 on my navman.
Can it be converted to v3 or have I got to install v3.5 (which I have heard is buggy), I would much rather have a v3 map, easier option I think.


The Skipper
05-01-2007, 08:56 PM

I have been in touch with the Fleabay seller again and explained and he has found some (v3) maps.
He is sending me one out :)

Nice chap.

All being well that means I will have a v3.5 (2005) cd1 for sale :)
