View Full Version : kiosk is no more

04-01-2007, 06:32 PM

just been on to kiosk they're saying the channels are no more, just directing you to their website, unfortunately i dont' speak any of the scandinavian languages so i don't know what's being said...

i'm sure someone will though.

regards: canthackit

04-01-2007, 07:22 PM
Here is a quick translation from C**** digital website:

C**** Digitals Pay Per View service KIOSK has closed as pr. 31. december 2006.
The closing of Kiosk is caused by the request of Pay Per View has fallen, and therefor we will use the capacity on the sattelites to launche new and exiting tv channels. Many of the movies shown on Kiosk will be shown on C****+ og Hustler tv.

Best regards Lipklop

04-01-2007, 07:32 PM
thank you Lipklop for the translation

let's see if they're good to they're word then, new and exciting channels:rolleyes:

regards: canthackit

04-01-2007, 07:53 PM
Probably a dozen new shopping channels :D


04-01-2007, 08:58 PM
is this 1w kiosk channls??im glad to hear it if so as i almost bought card yesterday official card that is, but i will wait untill i hear more on this story very good info as i have checked thier webpage and done a copy+paste to babl*fish translates exactly the same as above post by lipklop and i tend to agree with drpaulos many extra silly channls in replace of ppv channls most likely shopping or uninteresting channls.

04-01-2007, 10:20 PM
maybe they've heard that the mIII is about to come out:D

04-01-2007, 10:27 PM
barney.you wouldnt have got kiosk on an official card anyway. the principle is the same as a sly customer ordering box office needing an english address and phone line. a friend of mine who owns a sat dealership in lincoln has had an official card since 1 west first went down (a year or two ago now.lol). he has a swedish contact to use as an address in exchange for a sly package on an english address. the official sub is about the same price as sly. although the content of programmes is far superior regarding films and sport on 1 west.

05-01-2007, 12:46 AM
@GRIN2,your right m8 i just checked that out and its true unfortunately it does say swedish address for card and ive also checked kiosk on 1w and its finished alright black screens on them all even fta ppv ordering channl is gone.well i will have to do with the few thousand channls i have at the min,i do believe it may get ha*ed in the future at some stage i will be patient and play the waiting game it always pays off.

05-01-2007, 10:29 AM
Many of the movies shown on Kiosk will be shown on C****+ og Hustler tv.

Looks like there will be plenty more **** then :p :D

05-01-2007, 11:41 AM
thats may not be a bad thing as ppv was not on c/s and new channels may be on c/s.

Regard Jono

05-01-2007, 01:43 PM

All the PPV channels (kiosk 1-8) was working on cs.


thats may not be a bad thing as ppv was not on c/s and new channels may be on c/s.

Regard Jono

05-01-2007, 04:31 PM
yep kiosks were all open for me on cs

06-01-2007, 09:26 AM
cs guy's

that's along the lines i was thinking although i could never clear kiosk for anymore than 20 mins or so, if you say you were clearing the channels all the time looks like i'll contact my group and find out why we were'nt, anyways i am hoping that the new channels (if there any good) won't be on a ppv basis.

regards: canthackit

06-01-2007, 10:26 AM
as gov said the kiosks were opening all the time,but you needed to have conax MOSC cards in your share,i am very lucky as i have them and they are very rare.if you could open the **** channels then you were connected to a MOSC.
the only other way with cs to watch them,was to have enough normal cards with Glines to each of them.
the kiosk channels gave a 20min preview to normal cards,so if you had lets say 10 cards in your share then 20mins x 10 gave you 200 mins uninterupted viewing which was more than enough for the average film.it was just a matter of setting up gbox correctly to do this,as Glines overule your X value.
so given that provider id 0B000000 has digital alb,focus sat and c**** digital you needed to create at least 20 Glines,but this is somewhat accademic now.ian.

06-01-2007, 02:18 PM
I suppose PPV must be less important in Scandinavia, I remember Viasat scrapping most of theres' ages ago.

06-01-2007, 03:35 PM
viasat ticket is still there with both movies and pron , but as ppd (pay per day ) .

07-01-2007, 05:30 PM
with regard to new channels the first one to be announced is The History Channel. It's starting as part of the family pack on Feb. 1st.

Here's a list of channels and their prices in Finland (= euros) :-

_http://www.can aldigital.fi/templates/productsfront____4142.aspx

Can al Digital only has three HD channels here at the moment. Sweden has more but we can't see the Swedish channels.

Back to the Finnish channels. One belongs to the film packet and two belong to the 'HD' packet. There should be more coming soon, source = Ca nal Digital's web page.

I left gaps in the word Ca nal to stop the board's auto censor deleting the letters and replacing them with *s

O.K., what are the channels I hear you say. Discovery HD & Voom HD.

The HD package is free for the first year, then twelve euros a month for the second year when you sign up for two years.

I'm still waiting for my 'free' HD receiver to be delivered, it should be coming in February as part of the two year deal. It's combo box so it'll receive both terrestrial & satellite TV.

07-01-2007, 10:45 PM
Did there not used to be around 10 viasat ticket channels, I'm afraid 1 ppv channel is not real ppv in my eyes.