View Full Version : Pr-hd1000

04-01-2007, 07:17 PM
I know there are a few people with the Nagra HD Humax. Well there is now a tool by Colibri to read and write to the flash and EEPROM. He also says that theoretically it should be possible to edit the Premiere programme lists, but practically not doable at the moment.

08-01-2007, 12:23 PM
So, what can you do with this soft. Can you sort channel other then premiere (above 200) ?

08-01-2007, 04:35 PM
The basic program handles hdf files, but Colibri also provides what looks like a development kit, because there is a 12 page pdf in German that needs translating, which deals with everything from the memory map, to decompiling the flash.
AS for program listing, here is a machine translation quote taken from the do***ent PR-HD1000-Secrets:

"The numbers 100-199 are reserved with programs of premiere firmly and cannot at the Receiver not be re-sorted. The other program numbers are movable, however some would like to work on the program list rather with a Settingeditor (e.g. „Formula For NEO “for other Humax is used of the models) at the PC. Shop of the program list, changing and storing as Formula DATA file (FDF) function with „the Formula For NEO “still problem-free. Around the changed program list on the Receiver to get one can as follows proceed: • the FDF into „the Formula For NEO “load

My reading of the above is that someone will have to do the work of getting a settings editor to do it.