View Full Version : How to change server's - Quickly

Dice Man
11-01-2007, 05:32 PM
Visionnet 8000CIS
SW - 1.71 & 2.01

Menu - Installations - Factory Default - (Yellow Button On Remote)
"Are You Sure To Backup Your Whole Data" ? - OK, Then OK

(Receiver Reboots)

Menu - Options - System Information - (Info On Remote) - Region Dialog
Box Opens - Enter The First 2 Digits Of The Server You Want To
Try - ie, 21(21ff) Or 33(33ff) - OK. - Exit - Exit (Back On Menu).

Installations - Change Your Antenna Set-Up - OK - "Are You Sure
To Change The Configuration Of Antenna Set-Up" - OK.
Installations - Network Setup - Change Network Setting To
Auto-Detect - Apply - "New Configuration Will Be Applied After
Reboot" - OK.

(Receiver Reboots)

Menu - Options - Change Your OSD Setup & TV Setup. Check System
Information To See If Your On The Correct Server - Exit.

(Fn On Remote) - Information - Check To See If Your Status Is
"Successful" !


This Takes 3 Minutes To Do !! So, If One Server Is Down.....Just Change
It To Another One. :)

You can sticky this, if you like. :)

Note: This is for - Antenna Type - Diseqc Switch, so you'll have to re-do all the sat positions & store them if using a motor...as
wsm25 points out.

11-01-2007, 05:56 PM
Yes, thats how I do it. The only snag is if you have a motor, you have to re-do all the sat positions.

12-01-2007, 10:30 AM
thanks dice man.

12-01-2007, 04:30 PM
Yes, thats how I do it. The only snag is if you have a motor, you have to re-do all the sat positions.
Apparently not if you set antenna config to Usals.I havent tried it myself yet.
Cheers - elmingo