View Full Version : Prem Sport Portal

13-01-2007, 08:08 PM
Hi echelon,
When you talk about going through the Prem sport portal, is that number 2 in your FAQ, at the moment they are showing that the Arsenal Blackburn game is on on the sports site, I can see them playing through one of the windows, but when I press the yellow button all I get are film and general sports channels, is that right or am I still missing something?
Many thanks,

13-01-2007, 08:20 PM
when you get the windows , move the cursor to the one you want and press ok , then you will get that channel

the windows show you whats on , you select the one you want

there should be at least 3 portals , sport , movies and erotik

so goto the portal and select the windows you want ( say the 6 or 9 windows or whatever it is )

now move the cursor to the required channel you see in one of the windows and ok it

you should now get that channel

https://www.satpimps.co.uk/showthread.php?t=58273 post number 3 explains it

13-01-2007, 08:54 PM
Hi echelon,
When I spoke about windows I meant the windows on the Sport Portal site. I could see the game being played, and it was saying that the game was live. But when I push the yellow button it is nowhere to be seen. thats my question.
Many thanks,

13-01-2007, 08:58 PM
the answer has already been given in the faq thread in post 3 m8

read , digest , follow the instructions exactly etc

I have just tested the FAQ sequence again on my tm1500 and it works fine

I already have the channels in my scanned list and can also select them myself manually as well

perhaps you need to scan for them as well ?

14-01-2007, 08:08 PM
Thanks echelon,
I am so new to this and this box is so different to my old Triax. Is it this way? The portal draws channels from my favourites list, and If I havent added them it cant show them.
So next time theres a match on I need to check the Satellite list, find the channel, and add it to my favourites or am I way off again?
I really dont have a problem following the FAQ and I feel a bit silly to keep asking, but my inexperience keeps tripping me up.
Thanks again,

15-01-2007, 01:02 AM
I have no idea how it works m8

all I know is that I have scanned in all the prem transponders using tv mode in order to get the tv channels

then I move them in the list , say up to 1 to say 50 , grouping together the portals and the sports , movies and erotik etc

now I can either channel hop for the channel names , or select them through the portal system which jumps me straight onto the required channel

what I can say is that for all the ppl out there that have done the scanning , the portal works

I cannot tell you what happens if you havent scanned

so what I am saying is I have 2 ways of channel selection

either channel hop to the channel ( or input its number )

or go through the portal

both ways work

these channels tend to show stuff all the time so you dont have to wait to scan them in or to organise them , do it when you want so you are ready

I have no idea about the favourites issue

15-01-2007, 02:04 AM
Thankyou mate, I cant tell you how reassuring it is for you to tell me you dont know how it works iether.
I have felt like a really silly bugger, I thinks some of us are turning to the TC1500CI+ at the moment. So ill ask a question on the main Dragon forum, but not about receivers.
Blimey mate the Satpimps/Pimp site has helped me so much I dont want to be a pest.

22-01-2007, 12:38 AM
Thanks echelon,
Sorted it this weekend.
Cant thank you fellows enough,

Bob Warriner
22-01-2007, 10:06 AM
Hi, will all that work for the HD-CI2000 if the channel list is used?

Rgds Bob.

22-01-2007, 12:58 PM
Hi, will all that work for the HD-CI2000 if the channel list is used?

Rgds Bob.

this is the technomate forum m8

try asking questions in the appropriate forum , yours isnt about tm8

original problem now solved so thread closed