View Full Version : skin set up

14-01-2007, 10:17 AM
i own a new dream box 500-s and while I was going into the menu I went to the system settings and entered the skin set up but i only noticed that i have one skin selector that reads screwed stone. According to my manual there are 7 different skin set ups and would like to have the simple and stylish as i own a 16:9 tv. Any information would be appriciated

14-01-2007, 11:05 AM
the manual refers to official firmware , you will not find many
people using original image .
unofficial images are often stripped to make room for more
interesting things .
however you can add any skin you wish , just make sure
you have the required fonts or it will fail to boot .
nice thing is that you can also create your own skin only
including info that you find important .
i too like simple , small skins , but i didn't like any available
and ended up making my own ,

14-01-2007, 04:27 PM
thanks for your interest mate