View Full Version : problems with VN

14-01-2007, 05:22 PM
hi all

got my VN 8000CIS christmass day havent even connected to the internet yet still looking for the wireless internet connector as my pc is in a converted garage at the back of the house but i have put the 1.71

have read all the posts from differnt forums grham7 talk through is very good
the VN has crashed 3 times nearly put my 3ft dish running through a Vbox in to the wall nearly twice manages to turn it off just in time

the lastest problem is when searching TP's it doesnt allways pick up all of the channels i have to find the ones that are missing that are in the database and then search indervidley witch then finds them

trying to find the new mbc channels 11919 h 27500 3/4 witch i add to the tp database but i get no signal
i get my old trusty manhatten skyline 3000 picks them up with problem at all
its as tho the lnb frequencies are not all picked up by this reciver gone through all the settings and cant find anything that helps

anouther problem is after i put the new D+ keys in thay didnt work untill i took out my art card out i also have the same problem with my tit card and xcam that i use for prem i have to take that out for d+ as well
just wondered if anyone else has encounterd these sort of problems or is there something worng with my reciver

any help much thanked

14-01-2007, 05:43 PM
I had a few similar receiver crashes with 1.71, so I think there may be a bug in it. I would change to 1.69, 1.70 or 2.01

The database in the receiver, like all receivers is only as good as what it was when the original list was loaded by the manufacturer, so from time to time, you do need to add / edit TP's.

I don't know anything about MBC channels not working.

There is a known issue that putting a card in the card reader, disables the EMU.


Dice Man
15-01-2007, 08:48 AM
the lastest problem is when searching TP's it doesnt allways pick up all of the channels i have to find the ones that are missing that are in the database and then search indervidley witch then finds them

trying to find the new mbc channels 11919 h 27500 3/4 witch i add to the tp database but i get no signal
i get my old trusty manhatten skyline 3000 picks them up with problem at all
its as tho the lnb frequencies are not all picked up by this reciver gone through all the settings and cant find anything that helps

I'm sure it's the same for everyone as regards to scanning channels. The Visionnet picks up about 250 less channels on hot bird & 150 or so less on astra than my Tm8 1500 for example. Nothing unusual there m8, it's on a par with my old humax 5400 & humax hd receiver for finding transponders - it's not the most sensitive of tuners. :frown:

15-01-2007, 07:21 PM
thanks guys
starting to get somewhere now loaded 170 put new k*** in now get d* and p*** the art card fitted in reality cam and no conflict i knew i would find a use for it lol
the mbc channels on 26e are the weakest on badr 4
so alot of tweaking on the dish and lnb i now just get a picture hope it doesnt rain
next to reset my v box and everything should be fine
untill i conect to the internet:confused:
thanks again

15-01-2007, 08:51 PM
i have my v/n cis/s from 11/2004 and my experience is:
1.works fine
2.have it connected with your pc with null modem serial cable
u will need it any time.
3.also have stored any f/w u can find (original and later) in your pc becouse u'll need them.
4.learn to use all utilities for it.(boxloader-mitega)
5.read its board forums.
6.be patient