View Full Version : channel list

14-01-2007, 07:18 PM
Hi all is there a sat and channel list like bigman did for humax
thanks for any replys


14-01-2007, 08:04 PM
u mean with boquets etc.

use petsettings + dreamboxeditor and u will get it all setup

15-01-2007, 06:09 PM
Cheers all sorted

15-01-2007, 08:34 PM
u mean with boquets etc.

use petsettings + dreamboxeditor and u will get it all setup

sorry to sound thick,just literally got one this afternoon,and not had a proper chance to look at it yet,but whats pet settings and dream box editor,setting up a technomate seems a doddle compared to this,suppose i will eventually get there.also can i use the serial cable like my technomate untill i go wireless

15-01-2007, 09:09 PM
ok heres a tutorial written by moi.

1. go to hxxp://www.humaxdreamsettings.nl/
2. click dreambox settings on the right hand side
3. Download whatever settings u want i usually go for the last one 45° East - 43° West Settings
4. Save it and unzip to your desktop in a folder as there are many files
5. Go here hxxp://dreambox.happyllama.com
6. Download dreamboxedit
7. Unzip it and run it
8. Go to tools options and set in your dreambox ftp http and telnet ports and ip
9. click save
10. Press open on the main menu and open the settings saved to the desktop in that folder
11. Once loaded edit to your preference taking out channels u dont need. Note that the more channels u have the more flash it will use
12. Once edited save it
13. Click on the ftp button on the main menu
14. click send files to dreambox and once finished click reload settings and ur done

17-01-2007, 11:42 PM
ok heres a tutorial written by moi.

1. go to hxxp://www.humaxdreamsettings.nl/
2. click dreambox settings on the right hand side
3. Download whatever settings u want i usually go for the last one 45° East - 43° West Settings
4. Save it and unzip to your desktop in a folder as there are many files
5. Go here hxxp://dreambox.happyllama.com
6. Download dreamboxedit
7. Unzip it and run it
8. Go to tools options and set in your dreambox ftp http and telnet ports and ip
9. click save
10. Press open on the main menu and open the settings saved to the desktop in that folder
11. Once loaded edit to your preference taking out channels u dont need. Note that the more channels u have the more flash it will use
12. Once edited save it
13. Click on the ftp button on the main menu
14. click send files to dreambox and once finished click reload settings and ur done

This came in very handy thanks for the post!!

19-01-2007, 03:23 AM
Go to tools options and set in your dreambox ftp http and telnet ports and ip

sorry to sound thick,i know what my dbox ip is,but how do i find out what the http,telenet ports and ftp are

19-01-2007, 04:06 AM
I use the default values that are already in dreamboxedit: HTTP server port 80 (this value is also seen in the communication setup option on the dreambox), ftp port 21. Enter your dreambox i.p and password if it's different from the default one

21-01-2007, 12:26 AM
Cheers guys, this has just sorted one happy Freambox n00b out, lol.

Many thanx.