View Full Version : HDCI2000 - Heeeellllllllllllllllpppppppppppp pp!!!!!!!!!!!!!

14-01-2007, 09:40 PM
Sorry guys been away for a while but now i need some help because i'm too stupid to work it out myself.

Diseqc motor

I downloaded a file from another site just before xmas and i'm sure it's done my box in.

"i can hear it now - files don't do that"

Let me tell you what happened, loaded file to cam by infinity & loader card switched off/then on again and ............................no channels.

so i tried it again and the same happened................no channels.

So i re-loaded the cam with an old file and .............no channels.

Having looked at the dish iv'e worked it out now that the motor is going in the wrong direction to the satellite and i don't know why. I had my old man over today(nor***85*) to help sort out the problem and he can't work it out.

So before you ask, today i did a factory reset and eanabled all the sats i wanted, found 5e quite easy, stored the position, recalculated all the other sats - job done then????

No not quite.

as soon as i switch sats and the dish motors it either goes the wrong way or goes about 20 degrees past.

Can somebody please help and let me know whats going on.

Cheers guys

17-01-2007, 09:46 AM
never heard of that one before. looks like you need the help of a professional sat installer,it'll be worth it.

17-01-2007, 11:18 PM
cheers minty,

i think you might be right

18-01-2007, 01:14 AM
where did you get the files?