View Full Version : loader for mac?

bohs punks
16-01-2007, 11:18 AM
is there such a thing as a patch loader for the 1000 series that runs on an apple mac?

cheers in advance

18-01-2007, 11:38 PM
doesn't look like it and it isn't open source so you won't be able to compile it for your mac. but of course there's always boot camp - it's a shame i know.


bohs punks
19-01-2007, 01:24 AM
Thanks, trying to help a lad who bought a system off people who want to charge him to change keys and with number of key changes these days it'd cost him a fortune.

he didnt realise he could do it himself if shown how etc, unfortunately he only has a mac. I'm a humax man myself so i dont mind helping him to get the chance to play around with and get to know a different box but he lives too far away for me to be sorting ot out all the time either. he may get an old pc me thinks and i can train him in!

19-01-2007, 04:48 PM
My advice is that he buys a cheapo car boot type pc for say £20 or so and use it for updating his box

as long as it has a built in com port on it then it should be fine , so an early pentium pc should be ok , or an old cheap laptop

23-01-2007, 06:57 PM
dual boot the mac using boot camp (is he running OS X?) and buy a usb to serial converter. more expensive than buy an old win98 pc i know but i think it's a bit neater. just another idea.


23-01-2007, 07:00 PM
My advice is that he buys a cheapo car boot type pc for say £20 or so and use it for updating his box

as long as it has a built in com port on it then it should be fine , so an early pentium pc should be ok , or an old cheap laptop

As a qualified apple engineer - I could not said that better!

Even if you did - so many possiblities to f*** up the transfer - Ive got 2 x PC from Skips the last month - both are P4 -- Look in the Auctions/Junk shops - But Car boots prob best

23-01-2007, 08:16 PM
as a qualified MSCE, apple, unix and RH linux systems engineer (so there!) I can safely say yes having an old PC is probably the answer. but make sure it has either usb ports and or network card installed in it, as well as a serial port, as he will need to get the data (files for the technomate) directly from the internet or indirectly from the mac.

The point is the guy may only be familiar with mac be it OS X or macos9. he may also not have a router in which to connect up both machines to the internet.

There are too many variables to give any further advice.

non of the advice given here is going to be easy for your friend. even if the solutions are cheap. i would look into what would be the best solution for you both. You might find yourself having to carry on giving support in the short term.


23-01-2007, 08:22 PM
as a road sweeper (unqualified) _ If he has Intel Mac its easier - I ran Boot-Camp and updated my CAS3 (just) - pre-Intel mac's forget.

NetJunkie - you can help me then - ive given up on Mac's (If you want my old clients for welcome for a fee- Will call it a day very soon) Ive just started on linux!

23-01-2007, 08:50 PM
as a road sweeper (unqualified) _ If he has Intel Mac its easier - I ran Boot-Camp and updated my CAS3 (just) - pre-Intel mac's forget.

NetJunkie - you can help me then - ive given up on Mac's (If you want my old clients for welcome for a fee- Will call it a day very soon) Ive just started on linux!

i thought boot camp was only available on intel based macs anyway?!
i find it works great.
thanks mate for the offer of clients. Do you run your own business? i do. i am based near brighton east sus***. where are your clients? most mac people tend to be such c0ckz lol. they rave about how good their white flashy things are and forget about how adaptable and flexible the PC. Not to mention the price difference of hard/software. ;)


PS leenux is ok. it's nice and free yay \0/

23-01-2007, 08:59 PM
im along from Marina m8 in Brighton - moved from london last year - where are you ?!

re: Mac owners are such c0cks - Thats so true - like they live in Planet Aloof - You cant touch me - im a mac owner

But I work in fashion / music industry full of the biggest ****s in the human race :D

All my clients are LOndon Based - -I cant be arsed gettin the train and gettin blown up for the sack of some n00bs mac!

23-01-2007, 10:03 PM
i will pm you to not pull this thread too off topic lol ;)