View Full Version : Who's releasing D+ keys so quickly?!

16-01-2007, 10:38 PM
My bet is it has to be the TSM team no?

New firmware released for secure key entry for D+ at the same time as D+ keys get released publically within hours.

A taster?

16-01-2007, 10:55 PM
Who ever it is......good fkin show ......and thanx

16-01-2007, 10:59 PM
keys with in hours a good start to the year. hope it lasts

16-01-2007, 11:01 PM
I for one can't give a rats arse where they're coming from!! Just be thankful we are getting them...

16-01-2007, 11:23 PM
@Bazza1974 - Absolutely. Like someone is going to say who is doing it ? Duh !

16-01-2007, 11:25 PM
I for one can't give a rats arse where they're coming from!! Just be thankful we are getting them...
i'm quite sure, like the rest of us, he is extremely pleased. but i don't think thats not the point of this thread, so let's try not to stifle worthy debate.

16-01-2007, 11:26 PM
Hi thinks its GOD every time it goes off give a will prayer and it comes back on, well couple for hours but hes a busy bloke so keep on praying :D

16-01-2007, 11:55 PM
Hi thinks its GOD every time it goes off give a will prayer and it comes back on, well couple for hours but hes a busy bloke so keep on praying :D

Good humour mate I like what you said. :D As for keys it has been good so far and ever since the card mafia got a kick in the nuts the sat scene is slowly returning to normal with keys now public as they should not on cards like K3.;)



17-01-2007, 12:01 AM
God likes Taq XX and XY

17-01-2007, 12:06 AM
there will be many more fast release's of D+ keys, look how many the guy has.....


17-01-2007, 01:04 AM
God likes Taq XX and XY

errr XY! rough! :)


17-01-2007, 01:11 AM
Whatever takes yer fancy matey. :D

(Might wanna rename your channels though bud)

17-01-2007, 01:26 AM
if he got all the above keys in pic then we may get lots of doors open in the future i dont care for who as long as they keep coming as they are i will remain very happy indeed.

17-01-2007, 01:29 AM
Maybe those known how to decrypt EMM ?? (or have algo AU working ??)

17-01-2007, 01:34 AM
Abit like 'Carry On Matron' when Sid and his accomplice are after something in the woman's bedroom.

'Hey Sid' - Idiot ( I forgotten his name sorry:D )
'Good boy you found them?' -Sid
'What are we looking for?' - Idiot
'A pair of women's knickers! (sarcastically) '- Sid
'Hey Sid I found them (he found a big pair of knickers)' - Idiot
'Put them away!' - Sid
'Then what are we looking for Sid?' - Idiot
'Keys ya fool!' - Sid

Every time I think about keys I never been the same hehe.:D



17-01-2007, 08:16 AM
Agent 04 ,I think you got many girlfriends

17-01-2007, 08:54 AM
Who cares about who's releasing them, as long as they are released? :eek: :eek:

17-01-2007, 09:37 AM
any news if D+ will change soon to more deficult incription???

17-01-2007, 01:38 PM
lets hope d+ key keep comeing cool

17-01-2007, 03:09 PM
any news if D+ will change soon to more deficult incription???
You'll find out the same time as the rest of us i expect m8.:)

I've noticed that the USA providers Dish & Bev make changes quite regularly but they always seem to find a work around, like vplug which will AU on those providers, just wonder whats the difference between them and us?:confused:

17-01-2007, 05:33 PM
You'll find out the same time as the rest of us i expect m8.:)

I've noticed that the USA providers Dish & Bev make changes quite regularly but they always seem to find a work around, like vplug which will AU on those providers, just wonder whats the difference between them and us?:confused:

D+ and Cabo and others use rom110 which is more difficult to hack than the 101 and 102, and with revision AC3 its harder than before. The cards can be dumped but the op keys you can find inside are not the real ones. The method of getting the real keys from the dumps are not public yet.

17-01-2007, 07:08 PM
D+ and Cabo and others use rom110 which is more difficult to hack than the 101 and 102, and with revision AC3 its harder than before. The cards can be dumped but the op keys you can find inside are not the real ones. The method of getting the real keys from the dumps are not public yet.

Cheers m8, makes you wonder why the Americans are still using these rom versions.:rolleyes:

18-01-2007, 04:57 AM
God likes Taq XX and XY

Well mate, each to their own. Personally xy is deleted after each scan. Not my cup of tea, but 4 the keys, has the m8 says, lets keep on praying everyday.


18-01-2007, 07:51 AM
[QUOTE=sleepy;416491]You'll find out the same time as the rest of us i expect m8.:)

i am asking because i want to buy a cam only for D+ , so do u think it is worth it or at any time D+ will be changed to more deficult inc.????

18-01-2007, 12:17 PM
Does the pope sh*t in the woods? Of course it will be changed, its just a matter of when. I always look at it this way: the sooner you get onboard the better!

18-01-2007, 03:36 PM
I have a question for the experts here. I've been wondering lately why keys for D+ come out so quickly and nothing for Cabo? Can anybody give me some clarification? Thanks.

18-01-2007, 05:00 PM
My bet is it has to be the TSM team no?

New firmware released for secure key entry for D+ at the same time as D+ keys get released publically within hours.

A taster?

Last time we were getting D+ keys nearly so quickly, a nano fix for the K3 came out and D+ keys vanished altogether. So maybe a K3 fix is on the way?:rolleyes:

18-01-2007, 05:05 PM
I have a question for the experts here. I've been wondering lately why keys for D+ come out so quickly and nothing for Cabo? Can anybody give me some clarification? Thanks.

Probably because Cabo act so much faster than D+ - codes change within the hour. :cool:

18-01-2007, 06:27 PM
not quite related to the topic but why are they changing the keys more often now?????

only 1 year ago the keys would stay unchanged for weeks sometime months at a time, you cant tell me there are more people hacking now than before so why the sudden change in attitude???

i know no one will be able to answer this but i just felt like asking anyways lol

18-01-2007, 10:41 PM
And so it continues...

Has to be a commercial hacker releasing them so quickly no?

Or someone's found a way of getting them from the EMM?

18-01-2007, 10:59 PM
Ahhh I see....

19-01-2007, 12:15 AM
anyway dont give a donkes its a big thank you to the file guys:)

21-01-2007, 08:12 AM
so there is no real plans for changing increption within this month??

21-01-2007, 11:15 AM
Who's releasing D+ keys so quickly?!
I am ;)

21-01-2007, 11:18 AM
Whoever it is thank you.:)

21-01-2007, 12:46 PM
With D+ and premier open things are looking a lot better than just a few months back,it was beginning to look like CS was the only option.

Whoever is responsible for the keys I for one am VERY grateful.


21-01-2007, 05:20 PM
I have a question for the experts here. I've been wondering lately why keys for D+ come out so quickly and nothing for Cabo? Can anybody give me some clarification? Thanks.

Cabo is ok mate. on T-Rex Super :D it has a secure key that nobody can get to.

21-01-2007, 10:56 PM
Someone on DVHK posted info about D+AU being available . Info contain keys so can't be posted here. I'm not at home so will not test today.

EDIT: Fake as ususal so it's not him relising keys ;)

21-01-2007, 11:51 PM
Whoever it is thank you.:)

Thankyou. :D :D :D

22-01-2007, 10:20 AM
its amazing what i'm reading!...

22-01-2007, 03:01 PM
Hope they wonīt ever release a AU file.

With that fast response I donīt think itīs necessary anyway :-)
Just keep up the good work guy(s)

22-01-2007, 05:02 PM
Wow that's Ok. Can you PM me with them, when the next lot change. :D :D :D

23-01-2007, 09:24 AM
I hope , m8.

23-01-2007, 10:50 AM
now off ATM:confused:

23-01-2007, 11:38 AM
no AU for D+ it will be the end of a recent good thing. It's almost AU right now, a three hour update turn around is good.

So no AU or it will be all over again for quite a while

23-01-2007, 12:36 PM
D+ is down now???

23-01-2007, 12:41 PM
up again!

23-01-2007, 12:44 PM
just over 2 hours new key 01 out

23-01-2007, 12:50 PM
could anyone here send me a pm with a hot link to the latest keys?

23-01-2007, 02:20 PM
A spanish blog about flowers always seems to be one of the first with the new key...

23-01-2007, 03:25 PM
no AU for D+ it will be the end of a recent good thing. It's almost AU right now, a three hour update turn around is good.

So no AU or it will be all over again for quite a while

This just isn't true i'm afraid. They couldn't care whether you have AU or find out the new public key in a 2 to 3 hours time. It's the same thing to them. It's cracked/known/being released and that's all that matters to them.


23-01-2007, 03:32 PM
and for cabo... nothing public?

23-01-2007, 04:13 PM
This just isn't true i'm afraid. They couldn't care whether you have AU or find out the new public key in a 2 to 3 hours time. It's the same thing to them. It's cracked/known/being released and that's all that matters to them.


I do not agree. It is public but troublesome - you need to find and enter the new key now and then. Many people can not cope with this. Hense so many requests for the keys.
If it is available on a specific card or CAM then money are generated that are used to further crack the encryption. This is not good for d+. This is the reason d+ came back again and the leak is most likely an operator's one.

23-01-2007, 04:16 PM
This just isn't true i'm afraid. They couldn't care whether you have AU or find out the new public key in a 2 to 3 hours time. It's the same thing to them. It's cracked/known/being released and that's all that matters to them.

I'm not sure that is so. I tend to agree with wwe. It would seem to me to be likely to be of much greater concern to the provider if it runs continuously without intervention. In this way boxes could be sold to customers who are not interested in the hobby atall and have no patience in fixing things. Atm there can only be a minority of people interested in constantly searching new keys.
But either way, nothing is for ever, of course.

23-01-2007, 04:25 PM
the AU files on various uploads last few days will not work anyway .
them are old 4101 emm set and 4101 emm pid doesn't exist anymore .
updates are coming to pid 00c5 for emm rsa 4001 only .

23-01-2007, 06:44 PM
this is not some opperator releasing keys - risking his/her job every couple of days via MSN.

au probably already exists but is not being released publicly. Or someone has found a way to extract the new key after it is downloaded.

Any provider will change their system in the most effective and economical way, be it key change, card change, box change, encryption change.

There are an ever growing number of people in this "hobby". All(most) looking for "free TV". Adding a few more thousand to the numbers of "hobbists" with AU for a provider via box, card or cam results in exactly the same revenue loss for the provider as right now. Subcribers are usually locked in for a year and already happy enough with the package they bought - no fiddling or updating or programming stuff, nothing going black for a few minutes/hours, no need to be technically minded and know a little of what is going on. So the only new people joining the hobby are those that have a little techinical know how, have some spare cash for lnbs, stbs, cards, programmers, and installation costs whether DIY or professional.

If the provider feels the heat too much they will just spend more on securing their content. ie new box with NDS. Always knowing nothing is secure forever.

premier is on AU atm and they don't care much as they are in the process of changing their system in the short to medium term.


23-01-2007, 07:06 PM
this is not some opperator releasing keys - risking his/her job every couple of days via MSN.

au probably already exists but is not being released publicly. Or someone has found a way to extract the new key after it is downloaded.

Any provider will change their system in the most effective and economical way, be it key change, card change, box change, encryption change.

There are an ever growing number of people in this "hobby". All(most) looking for "free TV". Adding a few more thousand to the numbers of "hobbists" with AU for a provider via box, card or cam results in exactly the same revenue loss for the provider as right now. Subcribers are usually locked in for a year and already happy enough with the package they bought - no fiddling or updating or programming stuff, nothing going black for a few minutes/hours, no need to be technically minded and know a little of what is going on. So the only new people joining the hobby are those that have a little techinical know how, have some spare cash for lnbs, stbs, cards, programmers, and installation costs whether DIY or professional.

If the provider feels the heat too much they will just spend more on securing their content. ie new box with NDS. Always knowing nothing is secure forever.

premier is on AU atm and they don't care much as they are in the process of changing their system in the short to medium term.


Not sure I agree with you on every point.

Regarding D+ they can calculate that a sustained period of effective 'public' piracy will be costing them a lot of lost income. They know this from the move to seca 2 that brought them hundreds of thousands (if not millions) of new subscriptions.

I therefore don't think they will be losing much time to come up new counter measures.

If the piracy was restricted to more secure hacks such as the TSM they might not be so bothered as the cost of countermeasures might be more than lost income. This is probably the situation for Cabo right now. ;)

23-01-2007, 08:28 PM
I wonder how the provider can justify anything considering that (probably) the majority of free-tv watchers are not capable of buying a subscription given that they don't live in spain (or where-ever). Out of 100% of the freewatchers, maybe 20% (strictly a guess for reason of example) could potentially be paying subs.

Perhaps the provider isnt losing as much as he wants us to think.

23-01-2007, 08:30 PM
Not sure I agree with you on every point.

Regarding D+ they can calculate that a sustained period of effective 'public' piracy will be costing them a lot of lost income. They know this from the move to seca 2 that brought them hundreds of thousands (if not millions) of new subscriptions.

I therefore don't think they will be losing much time to come up new counter measures.

If the piracy was restricted to more secure hacks such as the TSM they might not be so bothered as the cost of countermeasures might be more than lost income. This is probably the situation for Cabo right now. ;)

Sky has not changed their encryption for a few years now yet they too have gained hundreds of thousands if not millions of new subscribers in the last couple of years. There is a lot more to growing subs than just how secure your encryption is. And you can still sell advertising space based on the amount of viewers you have, be them official subs or "pirates". Features such as HD, video on demand, broadband, telephone and tv bundles, poor anaIogue reception, poor terestrial digital reception, poor programming from "free" terestrial broadcasters etc etc all encourage the consumer to sign up to cable/sat providers.

and there are also the other non official revenue streams - of that i am sure.

What i am really saying is that until they feel the pinch they don't budge. and they do it in the most economical and effective way, be there a public AU or a 3 hour wait between key updates. :)

23-01-2007, 08:41 PM
I wonder how the provider can justify anything considering that (probably) the majority of free-tv watchers are not capable of buying a subscription given that they don't live in spain (or where-ever). Out of 100% of the freewatchers, maybe 20% (strictly a guess for reason of example) could potentially be paying subs.

Perhaps the provider isnt losing as much as he wants us to think.

yes, whilst your figures will be wrong the point you make is valid.

i also think that no one has legally challenged in the highest european courts the fact that we are unable to watch what TV we want from whatever broadcaster we want. especially in europe - where the movement of goods and services is supposed to be free and without restrictions. i'm sure they would not win. has this already been tried in the courts already?


23-01-2007, 08:59 PM
yes, whilst your figures will be wrong the point you make is valid.

i also think that no one has legally challenged in the highest european courts the fact that we are unable to watch what TV we want from whatever broadcaster we want. especially in europe - where the movement of goods and services is supposed to be free and without restrictions. i'm sure they would not win. has this already been tried in the courts already?


Yes, and I believe they didn't get anywhere. :cool:

23-01-2007, 10:08 PM
perhaps they didn't or couldn't go far enough. i wonder who and why they brought the case? i doubt they had the money or time.

24-01-2007, 07:00 AM
If we can't subscribe to watch due to legal or EU restrictions or whatever, how can they say it's illegal to watch it if the signal is available anyway?
The footprint is available, so, if they don't want us to be able to watch it (point 1) why not reduce the footprint so we couldn't get it anyway.
Can't have the penny and the bun, (hmmmmmm, I luv buns.....)

24-01-2007, 12:20 PM
It`s not the watching thats illegal, it`s the hacking the encryption bit ;) I`m sure if they could reduce the footprint they would, although I would presume it`s not as easy as just doing it, you would need the satellite owners to have a narrow beam with enough space on their channels. Also I`m not sure but is D+ available in the Spanish islands? If it is their footprint would still have to be pretty big to cover that area.
I suspect the real lost revenue inside Spain comes with subsribers cutting their packages down to the minimum and getting free PPV, I know if **** was ever hacked that`s what I would do. People who aren`t subscribers probably would watch when they could, but don`t subscribe when it`s not available for free, and as already mentioned it makes no difference to D+ whether the whole of the rest of Europe are watching for nothing or not as they are not able to get a sub anyway.

24-01-2007, 05:30 PM
I still think that avarage Joe is not capable of changing keys that often, changing firmware and browsing the internet for keys. So d+ really is not losing much from piracy. The actual potential customers that have the capability and will spend the time, in my opinion, would be like few thousands. Compare this to the 2 million subscribers they have.
It is a much different story with a card or CAM with AU. Then an avarage Joe can buy the card or CAM and watch without trouble. In this case the potential loss would go to a much larger scale. And later, even if they shut the leak down, the compromise remains, the not so technical Joe has tasted the free world and may try to spend some more effort (even just for the fun of it). On the other hand the cash spend for the card or CAM is concentrated in the hands of few hackers that will invest it in further compromising the system and profiting more on the operator's account.
This is just my two cents worth.

24-01-2007, 06:36 PM
I've always wondered how many 'illegal' viewers there are across Europe. In the days when you could just buy a pirate card that worked there were probably a lot - but once people have to start using programmers, cams and upload codes, you're right - it probably knocks out about 90% of them instantly. The majority of the people getting the codes will be in other countries anyway, so the loss of business in the domestic market is probably negligible - and most of the people watching when they can, most likely would never subscribe anyway. So letting those with a little technical knowledge watch is most likely cheaper than stamping it out in the short run, which is good for us.

24-01-2007, 07:35 PM
I've always wondered how many 'illegal' viewers there are across Europe. In the days when you could just buy a pirate card that worked there were probably a lot - but once people have to start using programmers, cams and upload codes, you're right - it probably knocks out about 90% of them instantly. The majority of the people getting the codes will be in other countries anyway, so the loss of business in the domestic market is probably negligible - and most of the people watching when they can, most likely would never subscribe anyway. So letting those with a little technical knowledge watch is most likely cheaper than stamping it out in the short run, which is good for us.

You guys are forgetting the fact that when they moved from seca 1 to seca 2 they had huge increases in subscriptions. Same in Italy. This indicates there are very large numbers of people in Spain who have used pirate cards to view D+ illegaly in the past. I agree some - but they will be the more sophisticated viewers (like ChrisSpain) - who have a basic subscription and use a pirate card to watch PPV when it's available. They are the minority. IMHO the number of locals watching D+illegally is therefore likely to be very high. If it was restricted to TSM cam owners it wouldn't be the same kind of threat. :cool:

24-01-2007, 11:48 PM
sorry mate i just can't agree. it's like the argument that piracy costs the music or film industry blah. One can't assume that all pirates would have bought the music or the film or in this case a subscription had there not been a way to get it for "free".

I can and do download films off the net but at the same time i also have a bigger DVD collection than almost any of the legit consumer friends i know ie the ones that don't download/steal music, films etc.

don't forget even with an au card/cam you still have to look around a little bit to get the thing and get the codes etc (that's why we continue to have people ask for where to get them on here so often), then you need an stb and dish and cable and set it up etc etc it's not without cost or effort whether it's au or not.

the jump to seca1 to seca 2 or NDS i would agree has coincided with high subscription numbers. One can't correlate the two things. Higher subscription numbers also has coincided with stronger economics and growing consumerism. It too has coincided with a time that you can download the films for "free" long before they appear on DVD, let alone on satellite or cable. So why do people still take out expensive subsciptions? Because they what something else and they can afford it. These people are never interested in the black market. They want things "to just work" without fuss. That's what they pay for.

take me. I have never taken out a sub even though i could arrange it if i wanted and even though i have had black screens for nearly 2 years. You just can't count people like me into the providers losses. or as a possible customer.

Until subscriptions are as cheap or cheaper than a TV license i won't subscribe.

the encryption system doesn't grow the subscription it merely protects it.


25-01-2007, 12:34 PM
I still think that avarage Joe is not capable of changing keys that often, changing firmware and browsing the internet for keys. So d+ really is not losing much from piracy. The actual potential customers that have the capability and will spend the time, in my opinion, would be like few thousands. Compare this to the 2 million subscribers they have.
It is a much different story with a card or CAM with AU. Then an avarage Joe can buy the card or CAM and watch without trouble. In this case the potential loss would go to a much larger scale. And later, even if they shut the leak down, the compromise remains, the not so technical Joe has tasted the free world and may try to spend some more effort (even just for the fun of it). On the other hand the cash spend for the card or CAM is concentrated in the hands of few hackers that will invest it in further compromising the system and profiting more on the operator's account.
This is just my two cents worth.
I think you underestimate the Spanish people, in every small city or town there is at least a shop that will deal with sat TV. And for a modest charge will input the keys in a cam, or program a card.
Some time back, I was in a petrol station filling the tank of my car, when this chap came with a laptop and an infinity programmer, back in the days of the titanium, The petrol attendant got a big bunch of cards for this guy to program there and then.
I asked the fellow about it, and he said that when they change the keys (D+), people would bring the cards and drop them in the petrol station for him to program, He would go around the local villages and do the same thing. A mobile Sat “locksmith”, if you ask me.That’s how organised they are.
Now they even send you the Dec. codes for the cam via SMS. so even the less literate person is able to input them

25-01-2007, 12:58 PM
Got to say, in the canaries, I seem to be the one telling the spanish about the hacks. most of them are not interested anyway as they want to make sure they have the channels at all time and cannot be bothered with all the codes business

25-01-2007, 01:08 PM
yes it's better to have a sub if you want to watch, i'm not watching :)

25-01-2007, 06:31 PM
who cares why or who releases keys...just two things to say. thanks and keep it coming!

25-01-2007, 07:54 PM
When I first started in satellite, five other people in the place I worked got into it - now they've all given up apart from me, because they can't be bothered with the hassle and not knowing if they'll have the sport/movies/kids channels when they get home. The Spanish are probably the same and D+ prices aren't that extortionate from what I've seen.

26-01-2007, 11:47 AM
Important info.
All people requiring Keys of any sort,contact Agent04.
He appears to know where to get them from.

27-01-2007, 06:58 PM

In Spain the new algorithm is known to decipher the idea keys of ecms, for that reason the new idea keys are published so soon.
