View Full Version : 2mtr dish in Spain Installation

17-01-2007, 11:38 AM
I have tried ringing the companies who advertise in the local papers, but all they want to do is install fixed dishes to 28.2. I want a 2mtr dish motorised, I have have plenty of space to put it, but can't find an installer anywhere who understands what I want. My location is La Marina, Costa Blanca, I need an installer who knows about motorised dishes.

Or if someone wants to fly over and do the job for me, I am open to offers, must know what hes doing though. And if that someone knows about the mysteries of the dreambox and could help me with that then all the better.



17-01-2007, 12:15 PM
wow..... you payin m8 ???
if the mrs would let me and i could get time off work, id be over like a shot?

prob 1 get youre gear over there (sounds like the spaniards dont do much of it where you are ? unless its slyuk stuff ??).....

A major distribution company in england dont list owt above a 1.2M so thats gonna be a special order for a 2m dish.
cable..... will depend on distances. Motor, you gonna need a big-un. etc + courier?

and you aint even started on the dreambox..... btw the dbx can be mostly sorted by telnet from england or anywhere tbh ?

I have an account at a sat-distribution warehouse and will help you get the gear if you want at trade prices, you need to get it all to espania then though m8.

If you have the gear then you just need the installer..... it aint hard, just a bit fiddly, sometimes frustrating and quite rewarding ? DIY ?

the offer's there for the gear if you need it m8? However if you can source it locally in spain, its obviously gonna be much cheaper.

17-01-2007, 01:12 PM
Good old La Marina . Another Brit colony :)

Anyway that's another story . Drive over to "Blue Sat" in Campello . If you speak Spanish then call them first on 965631249 .

I'm going to be putting up a 2.4 in a couple of months and that's where I'll be going .

I'd keep away from "most" of the brit installers as some of their prices are a joke !


17-01-2007, 01:19 PM
I can source it in Spain 2mtr dishes are everywhere here because there needed for Sky etc.. I have a manhatton 6900 36 volts so that should move it I think. What I don't know about is what dish should i get, which Lnb, or should it be a feed horn, cable is here already. I have a flat roof on my villa that can easily accommodate the dish. it could be weighted down and concreated in place, I don't want to bolt it to the roof because of leaks etc...So the dish I can get in Spain, the motor what type? will the manhatton do the job? which Lnb or feedhorn, and I will need some help


17-01-2007, 01:23 PM
Good old La Marina . Another Brit colony :)

Anyway that's another story . Drive over to "Blue Sat" in Campello . If you speak Spanish then call them first on 965631249 .

I'm going to be putting up a 2.4 in a couple of months and that's where I'll be going .

I'd keep away from "most" of the brit installers as some of their prices are a joke !


Do they install? I will go and visit them how far from La marina are they? Thanks for the info.

Still might need some help though


17-01-2007, 01:31 PM
They're Spanish installers and they're the only one's I'd use in the Alicante area . El Campello is 5km north of Alicante so that's about a 40 minute drive for you . They've done loads of ex-pat installs so I'm sure one of them will speak some English . Do a search on G00gle for "blue sat campello" and you'll get the address . It's in the town centre up near the train tracks .


17-01-2007, 04:08 PM
They're Spanish installers and they're the only one's I'd use in the Alicante area . El Campello is 5km north of Alicante so that's about a 40 minute drive for you . They've done loads of ex-pat installs so I'm sure one of them will speak some English . Do a search on G00gle for "blue sat campello" and you'll get the address . It's in the town centre up near the train tracks .


cheers m8 i have tomtom out here so i'll bang it into that and it will get me there, i have tried ringing them but no answer, i'll try later.


17-01-2007, 04:09 PM
glad your just about sorted wwe m8.... there's always someone who can help m8y ;) nice one ssjenkins

21-01-2007, 12:48 PM
tried ringing bluesat twice, told both times to ring back for an English speaking person, my Spanish is not good enough yet to converse at this level. Not spoken to anyone yet will keep trying.
