View Full Version : HDCI2000 Multi antena + motor

18-01-2007, 04:44 PM

I have an Echostar 2510ipv configurated with 3 fixed dishes and one motorized (36v) that mean disecq1 motor, disecq2 astra1, disecq3 hotbird and disecq4 hispasat. Can i do the same configuration with humax? (I know the motor must to be disecq)

Thanks. :)

21-01-2007, 01:18 PM
I believe you can - in the past I have mixed Diseqc 1 and 1.2. On each antenna you just select enable/disable motor & select Diseqc A/B/C/D on the disabled ones to control the switch. Obviously you need a 4 way (I don't think you can get 3 way) diseqc switch.

The only thing you may need to play with is making sure the switch switches back to the motor antenna LNB which may need a bit of trial and error, but I did not have a problem in this respect, but not sure if they all either stay switched/or drop back to a default outlet. FYI: My other hummy at my holiday home, is connected to 4 dishes using a disequ switch, looping through to a digibox after the hummy . I have the Astra 2 feed on outlet 1 (the Diseqc A outlet) and the switch seems to reliably switch back to this when I switch the hummy off.