View Full Version : Lost Horizontal Channels

18-01-2007, 07:29 PM
Dont suppost I will be the only one with dish and LNB problems after todays weather,expecting to find the dish on the ground when I got home, but its still there, but have lost all horizontal channels. Not had this problem before. I'm assuming I've got some damp in the LNB (its an Invacom twin) and its shot. Anyone had similar experience?

18-01-2007, 11:09 PM
Check the LNB F connector cable for corrosion cut back and make a new LNB F cable connection.

19-01-2007, 08:18 AM
Thanks slap will try that when I get the nerve to get up the ladder in this weather. I'm not knowledgeable enough to know, but can dish misalignment cause you to lose horizontal channels, or is it only likely to be the LNB or its connections. Any suggestions would be appreciated.

20-01-2007, 02:29 AM
Hi Steeler have got a reduced signal across all sats am in South Manchester and expected to come home from work yesterday to find my dish on the floor but it was still up, checked last night and all sats signal lost have reset receiver and got some sats back but on reduced signal I think will have to get the experts in, what do you reckon a price for just re-alignment.

21-01-2007, 09:23 AM
My guys coming Friday to fit new LNB, not good with heights myself and dish well above gutter line, I always use same guys (have done for over 15 yrs,) get good service and expecting bill for £35-£60 depending on time taken. Worth the expence if like me your not happy with the old ladder.