View Full Version : Disecq Troubles!

19-01-2007, 06:58 PM
My Humax5400 has been driving perfectly a 4-LNB's disecq switch,since 2years.

3 weeks ago I decided to add 2 more LNB's installing a 0/12V switch and one more 2-LNB's disecq.The system worked perfectly for about 15 days,but since yesterday it started getting me crazy.Humax drives correctly only the 2-LNB's disecq,which I have set to 12V position of that 0/12V switch.When I switch on a satellite of the 4-LNB's disecq,Humax can deal only with the satellite at the position A,Humax can't read the rest B,C and D positioned satellites!

Trying to find the reason,I replaced the 4-LNB's disecq,but no success.

Second try,I reversed the position of the 2 disecq's on the 0/12V switch,but again,only the 2-LNB's disecq is driven correctly.I can have only one satellite,the one at the position A,in the 4-LNB'S disecq.

Help needed,please!....

voith driver
19-01-2007, 08:18 PM
i have absolutely no idea to help you i am afraid, but just something tickled my brain about this type of setup, was that there is a setting in toh config, send diseqc twice for cascade this is for this type of setup if i remember, and it needs to be switched on, but thats as far as i remember

20-01-2007, 07:07 AM
Hi,voith,just came back home from job,thanks for your willingness,I checked that part,trying both on and off options,but no luck and I got more down when I found out that the problem exists even with the 4-LNB's switch all alone in my system!....
I'll let you know,if I deal this out,I've got to get some sleep urgently,now!
Have a nice day.

21-01-2007, 04:41 PM
It is very strange,but after some random zapping combinations among the 6 installed LNB's, I can watch all 6 satellites,sometimes I have to shake slightly the F connector that goes in Humax at the rear (LNB-in).
This looks like it is a connection matter,not any firmware one.
I'll fix it,sooner or later,I believe...

voith driver
21-01-2007, 05:23 PM
:d :d

grrr why is it the smileys only work now and again when i use them

21-01-2007, 05:35 PM
:d :d

grrr why is it the smileys only work now and again when i use them

Din't get you,pal,sorry?!...

voith driver
21-01-2007, 05:46 PM
oh, it's alright, i was just chuckling :D :D using smilies at your comment that

I'll fix it,sooner or later,I believe...

but the ruddy things don't work for me most of the time

21-01-2007, 06:01 PM
Poor smilies,they should try another guy to fight against,not voith master!....

21-01-2007, 08:23 PM
It is very strange,but after some random zapping combinations among the 6 installed LNB's, I can watch all 6 satellites,sometimes I have to shake slightly the F connector that goes in Humax at the rear (LNB-in).
This looks like it is a connection matter,not any firmware one.
I'll fix it,sooner or later,I believe...

how long is the inner of your sat cable sticking out?maybe this could be the prob ie:its to long and wont allow you to fully tighten your f plug??just a thought

22-01-2007, 07:36 AM
It's not too long,because I can easily tighten F plug to the end.The strange thing is,I have better results having it a little loose and just shaking it 2-3 times,and when the signal comes,everything's right,without having to tighten it fully.
BUT,if I tune to satellite A of the 4-LNB's disecq,I can't have its rest 3 satellites,only sat.A and the 2 sat's of the 2-LNB's disecq.
In this case,I have to start all combinations over again to tune on sat's B,C,and D!....

03-02-2007, 10:26 AM
Bingo,at last!!!
I tried an older Disecq I had available and everything's fine again!
All this mess caused by the second Disecq I bought,which although it was brand new,did not responce in this set-up.
So,all this trouble was a disecq matter,thanks for your attention,have a nice day,mine surely is!