View Full Version : Humax 5400 - Motor Current Limits

20-01-2007, 07:52 PM

Anybody had any bad experiences or know of the max current a hummy can supply to a Disecq motor?

Always had a jack up until the wind ripped my dish and gear of the wall the other night, so wondering about moving to a gearbox type mount powered up the cable. The ad says usual current 200mA max 350mA.


voith driver
21-01-2007, 01:07 AM
hi robbieb43,
according to my book, 500mh max with overload protection, though if the wind is strong enough to rip your gear off at times, and you already have a positioner (to use the jack)it might be best to stay with the jack, much stronger than the diqesc motor.
hope this helps

21-01-2007, 01:02 PM
Thanks Voith Driver. You have a point, though my Jack is knackered as well after many years of swinging back of forwards from Hispansat to Astra 2. There is a guy flogging some Jaegar Diseqc kit and dish packs (my dish got mangled as well) on fleabay and it seemed a cheap route out, but maybe I should not be too hasty to dump my polar mount and v-box.:rolleyes:

voith driver
21-01-2007, 03:22 PM
its true, it is the easy way out, i started with a jack, then switched to a diqesc 1.2 motor because it was supposed to be quieter, to please the bat i am married to, (hear a pin drop from 6 miles) and that died within a couple of years, so luckily i had not taken out the leads, so switched back to the jack, and i have to put up with the stop turning that it makes too much noise from er in doors. but providing the mounts are good, it does swing a bigger dish, or handles a bit more abuse.