View Full Version : Cryptik (Disecq) Motor Problems?

21-01-2007, 09:15 AM
I've got what seems to be a major problem with my motor. It will move the dish only when the LNB is disconnected. I've tried it with two different LNBs, one of which is brand new, so don't think that's the fault. I can drive the motor either with the receiver (Force 1122s) or a Digisat gadget, powered independently as long as the LNB is not connected. The dish never moves when an LNB is connected. I can hear a slight click coming from the innards but that's all.

Am I right in thinking that these motors disconnect the LNB before trying to move the dish, to limit the current consumption at that time? If so, that's where I reckon the problem lies. The LNB is still taking power leaving none for the motor.

Is it worth trying to strip down and fix a disecq motor or are they not really repairable? I should add that it's about 6 years old, so it doesn't owe me anything!

Any advice gratefully received.


26-01-2007, 11:01 PM
I have had the same problem with my second hand Cryptik motor. I changed the LNB and it helped a little ie the motor would move but it didn't always go the same positions once I had set them in the decoder. I later found out the decoder didn't like the silvercrest type so I changed the motor for a new Motek and that works a treat.

Has this problem just started? or have you changed equipment recently?


27-01-2007, 08:25 AM
yes the power to the lnb is cut when the motor moves some receivrs have a little more power than others try another receiver before changing your motor

27-01-2007, 08:35 AM
Test cable and connections to - when they are bad you lose to match power in lines.

27-01-2007, 11:51 AM
Thanks for the above. The only equipment I changed was the LNB (old one went down on some channels - just stopped switching). I have tried the motor (and both LNBs) with two completely different cable runs. It's on a long cable (60 or 70 metres) but it has worked faultlessly for about 5 years, first mounted on the house and latterly down the garden on a pole above the garage.

I don't have another receiver but I do have the Digisat thing, which drives it fine without the LNBs but not with either. I can power the Digisat from the receiver line or separately from 12v with no receiver connection at all but there is no difference. I can hear a click from inside the motor when I press the button (either direction) on the Digisat but that's all - it sounds as though a relay somewhere is trying to do its job.

I fear a new motor is needed. Maybe the failing LNB has taken the imternal connections with it. I've driven it to 19.2 without the LNB, disconnected the motor and reconnected the LNB, so at least I have some alternatives to Sly.

I'll have a look at the Motek - any others recommended for a 1m dish?


big mick
27-01-2007, 05:27 PM
hi tony
i recommend the @sat motor it does dishes up to 1.2m
mines been up for 2 years no probs ...it even survived the 90mph plus winds we had last week ...which managed too bend the scaffold tube it was on and twist the T&K brackets
if you have a look around the net you can get 1 for £70 or maybe less
