View Full Version : innovative box

26-01-2007, 07:29 AM
is this innovative box worth getting
i herad it`s down more than it`s up

26-01-2007, 06:15 PM
I have got one and I am very impressed with it, it did go down last night so did a factory reset and is okay now, all the xxx channels are open, plus Nova, and you can input new keys when they are available. At £139 post free its well worth the investment.

26-01-2007, 07:49 PM
Yes m8 Its bugs are being ironed out and its impressive now. Regards N.

26-01-2007, 08:36 PM
Yes m8 Its bugs are being ironed out and its impressive now. Regards N.

Hi M8

I would have to agree with you on that, it would be nice to have a few key more options available, maybe we will get them in the next update.

26-04-2007, 07:56 PM
Hi All,

Being a big fan of the VisionNet receivers, and recognising the problems with c/s on those receivers, I have just purchased an Innovative receiver.

First impressions are very good. Straight out of the box, I plugged in the network cable, keyed 9906 on the remote, and it started downloading the s/w. About 10 minutes and a reboot later, and ART Sports on 13E was clearing. I then had to key in 8943 to activate the EMU. I went on TP$, and it automatically started downloading the AES keys, with a message saying that it would take up to 3 minutes (in reality it was about 1 minute).

ORF and SRG work AU. I found that the Prem key downloaded was up to date, but D+ needed updating - key 6262 on the remote and the key manager comes up.

I have so far scanned on 19E, 13E, 7E, 5E, and 1W, and the following packages clear:-

Astra 19E
C+NL (all except ****)
Prem (EMU)
Arena 1 - 6
D+ (EMU)

TP$ (AU)
ART (all - not just sports)
RTVi – Detski, Nashe
Zee / ARY / ETC / B4U

Sirius 5E
Max TV

The box is a lot more compact than my VN8000S, and the C/S is very stable (no freezes so far). I am not sure about the motor control (this is a known issue - it is a bit erratic). I purchased the box for 109GBP - 160EUR

Dr Paulos

26-04-2007, 08:02 PM
I am glad you are now an official convert m8 happy colours!:D Regards N.

26-04-2007, 08:16 PM
Hi Neil,

I am not sure convert is the right description. There is room for both receivers (and a few more) in this house ;)

By the way, what do you recommend for easy channel editing? At the moment channels are all over the place. Ideally I would like to find an editor, and even better a channel list.

Also, are there any other packages clearing on other sats that I have not scanned? I think I saw that Orbit (8W), and DigitAlb (16E) clear. I guess Cabo on 30W will clear with the EMU.



26-04-2007, 08:24 PM
M8 I have never sorted out my channels and if you leave the search in its sleep function on it will double,triple and even quadruple store the same channels and then you have reached your 4000 max, there is a channel editor out there if you need it shout and i will post it. Digitalb was scuppered a long while ago (by a disgruntled card seller:D ) Orbit should be open via server. Regards N.

26-04-2007, 08:31 PM
Thanks Neil,

I remember there was a forum that specialises in the Innovative (and I signed up), but I cannot remember what it was so any reminder would be appreciated - via PM if not allowed on here.

thanks mate.


26-04-2007, 11:46 PM
had it exactly a month now,use it as a second receiver,realy happy with it,your right about power search i left it on got 4 arte channels among others not that ime bothered,got it mostly on 13 e:eek: :D can you pm me the address of that website you mentioned earlier,thanks:)

01-05-2007, 08:39 PM
Hi any chance of pm here please

01-05-2007, 08:50 PM
Hi any chance of pm here please

Hi M8

You have a PM

02-05-2007, 11:32 AM
Hi thanks for pm but no good as it is censored edited still in dark thanks anyway.

03-05-2007, 06:52 PM
Thank you to all that reply cheers m8s

03-05-2007, 07:07 PM
I have sent a PM.


03-05-2007, 07:23 PM
Thank you drpaulos

17-05-2007, 05:31 PM
Just been looking on the Albar7 site... there seem to a software release yet no mention on here surprising!

software date 17 May 2007

_http://www.al7bar-forum.com/IP/innovative/17-05-2007/MiddleEast_Innovative_17052007_V5 .28.zip

comments welcome!


Just loaded it and WOW:D it is much better major improvements on EPG button... it changes channel as you choose up & down within EPG then back to stay on that channel.

TPS remain AU:D

17-05-2007, 06:21 PM
I have read enough to know this box is next on my list
But can this box open Showtime via C/S
Can you advise me of a shop or, link to veiw to purchase this box.
And How much do they sell them for roughly??

:D :D :D

17-05-2007, 06:22 PM
Hi Mate Thanks for that.
is there a specialist Sat Forum for this receiver does anyone know.?

17-05-2007, 06:30 PM
I have read enough to know this box is next on my list

But can this box open Showtime via C/S
I believe it can but you will have problem viewing it in the UK, unless you have 2.4m dish!

Can you advise me of a shop or, link to view to purchase this box.
normal auction site or speak to board sponsor!

And How much do they sell them for roughly??
approx £130 -£150 including delivery!


:D :D

17-05-2007, 06:46 PM
Cheers Birkenhead for the info
I seem to be getting nilesat channels with a 1metere dish (7 west)
including the show time FTA channels and the showtime info channel
hmm may have to do some investegating..sniff sniff ..lol

28-05-2007, 12:03 PM
Can anybody who has owned the Innovative receiver for a while now give an opinion on the reliability of the server etc?

Can't make my mind up in terms of going for this or open Linux machine - my question is to what extent the receiver represents a viable option in terms of watching prem footy?

Cheers :rolleyes:


28-05-2007, 01:15 PM
The server is up around 95% of the time I try to use the Innovative. As for football, via C/S it clears ART Sports and Nova Supersports, TP$ Foot / Star on 13E, and I believe it clears Sh0wtime on 7W (I can't get a strong enough signal to check).

It did clear Sport1 from Holland (but this has been down for more than 1 week), and nobody has bothered to explain why the Dutch package is down :(

D+ and Cabo work, and Premiere did until they reintroduced MECM.


28-05-2007, 01:28 PM
My experience after 6 months is the same as drPaulos the server is up during all the football matches I have watched (MU) It seems there is no direct contact with the server admin as they very rarely deem to answer any questions. Generally a good stb IMHO.........Regards N.

28-05-2007, 02:06 PM
Cheers for the replies Proteus and DrPaulos :)

Linux machine or Innovative? toss a coin time !

28-05-2007, 02:12 PM
That is a tough one. If you want out the box, no cards needed, plug into the internet, a few presses on the remote, and channels will clear, the Innovative is the way to go.

If you want future proofing, a bit more playing, and a need for either a card to share, or ongoing payment, Linux box is the way to go.

As mentioned in another thread, there is a retailer selling the TM-9100 very cheap at the moment (I can't say where as it would break the forum rules).

The Innovative is going for about the same price (or slightly cheaper).


28-05-2007, 02:34 PM
Cheers for the replies Proteus and DrPaulos :)

Linux machine or Innovative? toss a coin time !

The Docs got a valued point .

Both boxes are going real cheap at the moment and if you were thinking on your toes as I am sure you are :D
Get both .... because if you purchased the TM9100 at its normal value price it would have cost you the price of both right now ... so you are on a win win you are looking at a gift horse in the mouth..at aprox £240 for both :D :D


28-05-2007, 02:36 PM
Yep my next stb is going to be a Tm 9100.........So I will have both pain and pleasure:D .....Regards N.

28-05-2007, 03:05 PM
I have had one for a few months now and i must say it is the best bit of kit for the very low price that i paid it has all ways worked 100% for me with no problems server on 24/7 not like the cr*p visionnet that was up down like a yoyo yes i am very happy :D

28-05-2007, 03:14 PM
i have just orderd both recivers, the innovative and the technomate 9100, £227.99 delivered. i have had 2 innovative recivers before and had to send both back and then i lost 230 quid as they did not arrive and the post office is crap. still m8 says they hve inproved now so will try again. lets hope the both work fine. :) funny really, more or less the same price for a pvr as well.:D

28-05-2007, 03:16 PM
You should try out MagicBox 7300

28-05-2007, 03:37 PM
cant find nothing under MagicBox 7300 :confused:

29-05-2007, 09:56 AM
You should try out MagicBox 7300

Me neither??:confused:

29-05-2007, 10:38 AM
could it be its that magic it disappeared :D :D

21-06-2007, 11:45 AM
You should try out MagicBox 7300

So whats so special about this magic box then :confused: