View Full Version : New PSU fitted and my Problem hasn,t cured

26-01-2007, 02:18 PM
Just curious Fella,s if anyone has come accross this one.....

Over the years i must have fitted roughly 40 or 50 Power supply units for the Hummy 5400

A mates Humax started playing up ie....No response from his remote and his channel numbers dissapearing

The machine would turn over using the front panel up and down buttons but no chance with the remote

Entering code changes became immpossible for him so i recommended he purchased a new PSU

Ordered the brand new PSU from Donald in Humax Northern Ireland and fitted it for him the other day

My mates machine is acting in exactly the same way as before even with a new PSU

Is there anoyne can tell me if there,s anything i can do to remedy the solution

Cheers :frown:

26-01-2007, 02:32 PM
from what your saying it may be a few things but most likley the ribon cable that links the front pannel to the main pcb is most likley the cause however the fact that it goes on and off is a little worrying

26-01-2007, 05:12 PM
Why you don't try reflashing the receiver. Firmware might be corrupted!

26-01-2007, 05:17 PM
IR receiver could be faulty. Why don't you try to completely remove it and see if there is any difference to normal operation (obviously remote will not work). It is connected to the main micro controlling the RX and faulty one could interfere with micro.

26-01-2007, 06:32 PM
IR receiver could be faulty. Why don't you try to completely remove it and see if there is any difference to normal operation

Cheers Kiza.........

Problem is that i would not know where to start by removing the IR receiver ..

I went through the spring clean and delete channels procedure and re-installed all the latest software

The machine works but you cant use the remote to change station or enter a new key


26-01-2007, 08:25 PM
silly question but have you checked the batteries in the remote?

as far as the remote sensor goes it looks like a small clear led next to the display on the front

26-01-2007, 08:43 PM
I've got a service manual in PDF..can I upload it here?

26-01-2007, 09:09 PM
dont see why not aslat, voith has a pdf in the stickies for the psu

26-01-2007, 09:39 PM
from what your saying it may be a few things but most likley the ribon cable that links the front pannel to the main pcb is most likley the cause however the fact that it goes on and off is a little worrying

The Lid is already off the Humax for me to look inside...............

The ribbon cable coming from the main pcb vanishes inside the front panel of the Hummy

The front panel looks to be held in place with two screws........if i take them out will the front panel just come away

or is it more complicated than that ?


27-01-2007, 09:51 AM
no thats about as complicated as it gets mate, just make sure the pins from the switches line up correcty when you put it back together

27-01-2007, 01:18 PM
have you tried the remote in the humax toolbox, you can then use your laptop to add keys, A pain I know but it may work.

28-01-2007, 10:02 PM
IR receiver is normally fitted inside small metal can either on the front panel or on front of the main PCB.
It usually has three legs for sensor and two solder tags for the screening can.
You will need soldering iron and de-soldering braid to remove it safely. You can use almost any similar looking receiver from any scrap unit (VCR, TV, Hi-Fi) as a replacement or order one from Humax.