View Full Version : 3 inch wide pole needed now

27-01-2007, 02:11 PM
Hi guys need some help

just got back from holiday and my dish is hanging on by a thread i have a channel master 1.2m dish using a make shift bracket well anyways the bracket is about to fail and then no more dish i need a 3inch wide pole asap im in wakefield near leeds needs to be at least 6 foot long willing to pay for it and collect or if you know of any outlet that i can buy it from not too far from me great stuff but i dont think the dish will last the night if i dont do somthing now please help

thanks Raider

27-01-2007, 02:36 PM
Thanks M*****
for your very kind offer i might have to take you up on it will see how tonight goes

27-01-2007, 06:08 PM
hi m8
i have a 3inch patio mount you can lend for now
i ll be on msn ltr about 8


28-01-2007, 06:22 PM
Can I also add A scap yard,Local Tip,Steel stock holders.