View Full Version : disneys the wild?

28-01-2007, 09:24 PM
was showing a potential customer my digitalb set up on friday, and skipping thro the channels i noticed a film on either cufo or bang bang that could have (or not) been disneys the wild. anyone know if this was and when a repeat is likely. ive just seen a trailer and it looks amusing. thanks

29-01-2007, 12:19 AM
This any help in identifying the film?

29-01-2007, 05:32 AM
it is the wild im looking for. what i meant was are cufo or bang bang currently showing it. i skipped thro the channels and didnt really take in what was showing. if this was on , is it on again.

29-01-2007, 09:56 PM
I always go here to check whats on digitalb


regards painter

30-01-2007, 06:17 PM
i use that. doesnt include cufo or bang bang. thanks tho.