View Full Version : Manhattan dsr 5000 ci-m in stand by mode

31-01-2007, 11:58 PM
Please Help
i have a manhattan dsr 5000 ci-m had this reciver for years i only use it to set up the arc for my dish well just got a new pole for the dish set the dish up and lowand behold the reciver wont come out of standby mode for some reason if i put it over the radiator for an hour it comes on but within a few minutes freezes then it goes back to standby mode red light on front and 4 green dash lines where the channel number should be can anyone help this is the only way i know how to set my dish up i need to get the reciver working again
thanks raider

03-02-2007, 10:55 AM
The main problem with these receivers was the flash memory chip, but I've never heard of this fault causing your symptoms, usually the channel lists starts to resemble ancient Egyptian bit by bit, channels disappear from the list, and channels are added to or removed from the favourites list at random. If you've had none of these symptoms, it's likely to be something else. I can't remember whether these receivers have a seperate power supply board, if so the capacitors on that board are suspect (particularly with the receiver responding to a change in temperature). If not a seperate board, there's normally a power supply area on the board marked out with a black line. There's some risk in trying to reload the software if you can't guarantee the receiver will stay on, only try that as a very last resort. PM me if you need any help.