View Full Version : Twin lnb

02-02-2007, 08:13 PM
I have at the moment a fixed dish pointing to 13E and have got hold of one of those twin monoblock lnb's which will get me hotbird and astra 19e, obviously the hotbird lnb will be clamped into the bracket, but where does the other lnb go if you're looking at the dish - on the left or on the right?

02-02-2007, 09:08 PM
I've posted this before, on the old dudes site. That is how I set up 13 and 19 east for my daughter.
13 east, hotbird, clamped and is central focused. Offset is for 19 east.

02-02-2007, 11:32 PM
So the astra lnb goes on the left, thanks for the pics NeasdenNW10. very helpful.

03-02-2007, 10:26 AM
So the astra lnb goes on the left, thanks for the pics NeasdenNW10. very helpful.

it goes on the left if looking from the front of the dish , and to the left of that you may fit another lnb for 28 east

so from the front of the dish the lnbs go towards the left if looking for eastern sats , and the further left you go the more easterly the sats become , and the higher they go too , so the left hand lnb should be higher then the right

but if you were BEHIND THE DISH the astra 19 lnb would be on the right of the arm

so it depends which perspective you are looking at

03-02-2007, 10:27 AM
Yes, dish focused on Hotbird(13e), signal from Astra (19e) comes in lower from the east. It is reflected by the dish and picked up by an lnb slightly higher and to the west.
Basic physics, angle of incidence = angle of reflection, and all that stuff learnt over 50 years ago.
PS. Ech beat me to it.

03-02-2007, 11:03 AM
I am just experimenting with a zone 2 raven dish and multiblock lnb holder , so here are some pictures of it in a temporary site , with hotbird on the right ( dish lined up onto hotbird ) , astra 19 is in the middle just to the left of hotbird and I am just needing to adjust the left hand lnb for astra 28 east
the dish lnb arm needed extending and the 2 lnb,s for 13 and 19 east are touching each other which shows how the 6 degree separation is so tight , and is what prevents ppl getting 5e , 7e , 10e ,13e , 16e and 19e unless they use the alps slimline lnb,s etc

the 3 lnb,s shown below are all cheap skyware lnb,s removed from the sky lnb holders , and are perfect for standard 40mm collar lnb holders
you can also use the sky plus 4 way quad lnb,s as well , although some have plastic lugs that need filing down

the 3 cables are going to a 4-way diseqc switch bought for £7 including p+p from a well known auction site ;)

03-02-2007, 11:35 AM
Just a thought Echelon, now that the birds at 13east are stronger. Would it even things up by focussing on 19east and having offsets on 13east and 28east? More of a balanced set up I would have thought.
Other than that, best wishes for you experimenting.

03-02-2007, 01:24 PM
Just another thought to add,the sliding arm that goes across the dish that the LNB's are attached could that be of a step being as LNB's go higher and that may give that bit more to play with.

03-02-2007, 04:53 PM
That's very impressive what you've managed to do echelon , can you let us know what the inclination is for the arm ??

03-02-2007, 05:03 PM
Just a thought Echelon, now that the birds at 13east are stronger. Would it even things up by focussing on 19east and having offsets on 13east and 28east? More of a balanced set up I would have thought.
Other than that, best wishes for you experimenting.

I did try a couple of days ago with astra 19e as prime focus but was struggling , so went back to hotbird as prime focus

I have just fitted this onto the sidewall in its final resting place above the garage roof , and added a 4th lnb on 42 east as well

so from left to right from the front of the dish ( lnb side ) , its

turk sat 42e - astra 28e - astra 19e - hotbird 13e

and you can clearly see the lnbs rising the further left you go , as the metal multiblock lnb holder is designed for this task , albeit its actually for a different dish than my zone 2 raven , meaning some drilling and dish-arm lengthening had to go on !!

lol :)

ps:- I have also fitted another zone 2 dish at the rear of the property with a sly quad lnb and aligned just on 30 west and this works fine too

03-02-2007, 05:50 PM
Talking to sat installer about my plans to fit a twin output monoblock running to two receivers in different rooms (because the dragon refuses to share with any other cam) he told me because you set the diseq on the receiver I would need two single lnbs on an adjustable arm similar to echelons, but then I'd only be able to view one sat (say astra) in one room and the other (hotbird) in the second room. I am confused, do I need a single mb, twin mb or two seperate lnbs??:confused:

03-02-2007, 06:47 PM
best bet is to do it like mine , but have twin output or quad output lnb,s on each holder , which is probably my next job as I have some sly quads from fleabay for the task ahead ( sly plus quad lnb,s )

so with twin or quad output lnb,s you can have 2 receivers working fine , using two 4-way diseqc switches

each receiver connects to its own 4 way diseqc switch ( about £7 for each switch from fleabay delivered ) and you connect up to 4 lnb outputs to the switch , and up to 4 lnb outputs to the other switch

so in my example above I could fit twin or quad lnbs to each saddle , then have 2 switches running on 2 cables , 1 cable to each receiver from its own switch

then each receiver can have any channel from the 4 sats , so one receiver of mine (technomate) is currently on hotbird and the other (samsung) is on 30 west ( you cannot see the similar zone 2 dish I have on 30 west as its round the back of the house !! )

so the answer for you is to fit 1 dish as big as possible , say 90cm or 110cm triax ( or even 2 or 3 dishes ) , and have a multi lnb holder on the triax , then fit twin or quad output lnb,s on the sats you want to duplicate , then fit 2 diseqc switches and connect to 2 receivers ( I use a samsung 9500 viaci with latest patch , and a tm1500ci+ with latest patch )

triax do a 4 way multiblock holder that retails for about £20 delivered , and this fits the arm on the 90 and 110 cm dishes

raven do arms for their 90cm range , and gilbertini also do arms like mine for their bigger dishes like say 90cm

and there is the force frontier dishes too , taking 4 lnbs on a single dish

03-02-2007, 08:51 PM
Superb installation and great pics, many thanks for showing them. Just goes to show that the so called professionals do not know a thing when it comes to experimenting and getting multiple satellites from one fixed dish.
Well done again and power to your elbow for any future projects that you have in mind.

03-02-2007, 09:47 PM
That's very impressive what you've managed to do echelon , can you let us know what the inclination is for the arm ??

no idea m8 ( how would I tell ? )

just screwed it all together having made some bolt holes , and added a piece of arm from a sly 43cm raven dish , held together by some old offcuts of wood !!!
( this lengthens the main arm from 13 inches to 15 inches from the rear of the dish where it normally sits )

then it was a case of adjusting the arm length whilst watching the signal strength , and being able to get the astra and hotbird lnb,s in the right place , albeit they are touching each other , and had to hacksaw part of the hotbird lnb holder at 1 side to get the 2 lnb,s closer together as the metal holders were keeping them too far apart , allowing only 1 to be focussed correctly

all this was done without any sat meters , just used a tm1500ci with all the channels on it from my motor , and used its built-in strength bars to check the up/down/left/right and the lnb skew

it really isnt that hard , and anyone with a few tools and a bit of common sense could easily replicate it

I have another one test on the arm on the shed with an old monoblock on 13 east with 19 east as the offset and tested that today and works perfectly using the tm1500ci+

and here is my triax multiblock for my 1.1m dish ( not yet attached )

04-02-2007, 11:39 AM
here are some pictures of an old monoblock on a new raven zone 2 dish I have on test

the dish is aligned onto 13e hotbird on the right hand lnb looking from the front with astra at 19e being on the left hand lnb and higher up

this dish appears to be around 14 degrees on the markings on the dish , well the elevation securing nut is around the 14 mark anyway

this setup works fine for astra and hotbird without any dish modifications , although I would probably recommend a longer arm , typically around 15 inches

hope this helps

06-02-2007, 11:43 PM
Thanks echelon, not to question your wisdom, but just so I fully understand- why will a twin monoblock running to two receivers, not receive hb and astra on each? Your suggestion of multiple dishes sounds ideal, but the only other sat that might interest me is hispasat. I'm only using an 80cm dish but signal strength on hb is around 90% Will try and source a twin sharp lnb, and maybe fabricate some kind of holder-think dish is a Televes? Will let you know.

To be clear echelon, I was referring to a twin output monoblock if that helps?

07-02-2007, 01:38 AM

This is what I meant


I do have a motorised dish, but I would have loved to have known if I could have attempted something similar just for the following sats:


Actually thinking about I could have had the 3 Easterly sats setup as shown above and a dish just for 30w

If you could see where my dish is put up .............. it's a f**** nightmare and it just costs ££'s everytime I need to do something
ie change the LNB .... check the cables etc

07-02-2007, 02:06 AM
Hi Guys.
I have dual feed with Hotbird 13e and Astra 19e with old 80cm mesh dish,
i will be moving shortly to a flat and my new landlord as givin me permission
to put a dish up
My question is can i get away this time with a twin monoblock lnb and a
60cm dish, and which would be best and able to cope with dual feed.
I am in the South West of England and would rather have the same set-up
i have now instead of returning to Sky.
Many thanks m8s.

07-02-2007, 10:19 AM
Thanks echelon, not to question your wisdom, but just so I fully understand- why will a twin monoblock running to two receivers, not receive hb and astra on each? Your suggestion of multiple dishes sounds ideal, but the only other sat that might interest me is hispasat. I'm only using an 80cm dish but signal strength on hb is around 90% Will try and source a twin sharp lnb, and maybe fabricate some kind of holder-think dish is a Televes? Will let you know.

I have never seen or used or heard of a twin monoblock so cannot answer questions about it

all I can say is my method above using twin or quad output lnb,s and diseqc switches achieves the task you planned , and a monoblock is normally 2 lnb,s places 6 degrees apart with a built in 2 way diseqc switch , so double it up and you could run 2 receivers , but my way also allows 28 east and maybe another sat too

for hispasat you need another dish and that is what I have done , put up 2 of these zone 2 dishes , one on 30 west and one on hotbird as shown in the pictures

Hi Guys.
I have dual feed with Hotbird 13e and Astra 19e with old 80cm mesh dish,
i will be moving shortly to a flat and my new landlord as givin me permission
to put a dish up
My question is can i get away this time with a twin monoblock lnb and a
60cm dish, and which would be best and able to cope with dual feed.
I am in the South West of England and would rather have the same set-up
i have now instead of returning to Sky.
Many thanks m8s.

a single monoblock works fine on an 80 cm dish , which is what it was designed for , the smaller dishes have a smaller arm due to reduced focal length , and so the 2 lnb,s cannot be placed close enough together which is why a monoblock doesnt work properly on a 60 cm dish or less , and I did say I had to lengthen the dish arms on these raven 2 dishes earlier in my replies , but the monoblock shown in one of my pictures works fine on the zone 2 59cm dish as its 79cm wide so it makes more sense for you to use one of these zone 2 raven dishes like mine and re-use your monoblock

07-02-2007, 10:31 AM

This is what I meant


I do have a motorised dish, but I would have loved to have known if I could have attempted something similar just for the following sats:


Actually thinking about I could have had the 3 Easterly sats setup as shown above and a dish just for 30w

If you could see where my dish is put up .............. it's a f**** nightmare and it just costs ££'s everytime I need to do something
ie change the LNB .... check the cables etc

the lnb multiblock arm I fitted has 2 wings on it for a g*lbert*ni dish and so gives the correct angle ( but I have no idea what that angle is ) when its bolted up , so its all done for you in the design of the arm with the correct angles already bent into the metal arm

and I too have fitted one of these dishes for 30 west and the one shown for 4 sats in the east

obviously you cannot get 30 west as well as those in the east from one dish , the angles dont allow it , so 1 dish like shown above and one in a different direction on 30 west works fine , and is my current solution to getting the main sat channels ( 2 receivers , 2 zone two dishes , 2 diseqc switches , 5 lnb,s on 5 sats )

07-02-2007, 12:15 PM
In my theory you could have two zone 2 plain Dish face's side by side one for east the other for west with the LNB focus arm in between the two Dish face's and not on the Dish Face its self.

07-02-2007, 01:00 PM
In my theory you could have two zone 2 plain Dish face's side by side one for east the other for west with the LNB focus arm in between the two Dish face's and not on the Dish Face its self.

sounds feasible but I wont be testing the theory myself as I already have 2 dishes up as stated earlier and all working fine

think the point here is that I have done some testing of different uses of a sly zone 2 dish , and the idea is for others to see what can be done with a bit of imagination and tinkering. ie:- think outside the box

if what I have posted helps others with multi-lnb or monoblock setups then thats fine

anyone not interested in what I did , thats also fine by me , just ignore my ramblings

in the meantime I have 2 fixed sly zone 2 dishes with 5 lnb,s giving me 5 main satellite positions , and I am quite happy with the results and it look little expense and little effort to achieve

the pictures also clearly show the relationship between the lnb,s and the fact they are not horizontal but inclined and skewed

best wishes to anyone who get inspiration from this and seeks to duplicate or replicate what I did , and bear in mind you can use 80cm , 90cm , 100cm and 110 cm dishes for this task too ( I happened to have a few raven zone 2 dishes lying around doing nothing !! ;) )

07-02-2007, 02:25 PM
Actually mate, this has been a very informative read and as you say

'Think Outside The Box'

I have a spare 80cm steel fixed dish in the garden, I was thinking of putting it up at some point, but thought I was limited only to using a monoblock ..... this actually gives me more options and is a manageable project (no climbing up high ladders + cost ).

Thanks again :)

07-02-2007, 03:54 PM
I was doing more or less the same in the 80s (short of work and no money) I had got a small welder and I use to walk to the local tip or scap yard walk back with old bits of dented Dishes in those day's it was a 1.4 blue cap or white cap LNB and the only way to get two Sats that was close to one another was to use one LNB and two Dish face's,there was no internet that you could get info on how to do these things it was trail and error with a lot walking to fine tune.

What you are doing brought back memories of when I first started and how it gets you hooked.

07-02-2007, 04:38 PM
I was doing more or less the same in the 80s (short of work and no money) I had got a small welder and I use to walk to the local tip or scap yard walk back with old bits of dented Dishes in those day's it was a 1.4 blue cap or white cap LNB and the only way to get two Sats that was close to one another was to use one LNB and two Dish face's,there was no internet that you could get info on how to do these things it was trail and error with a lot walking to fine tune.

What you are doing brought back memories of when I first started and how it gets you hooked.

no problem m8

glad it brought back memories because I too have experimented a bit in the past with various an alogue boxes , bsb squarials and dishes etc

just seems to me that most ppl stick in the comfort zone and do things all standard and then miss out on better solutions where you have to do a bit of work but get a good payoff

nice to see some ppl like me and you still exist and are willing to try stuff out

07-02-2007, 05:25 PM
Age and Disabilities have cought up with me now so not as active as I would like to be this time of year bones and ticker.

07-02-2007, 09:51 PM
Thanks Echelon for expanding on what initially started out as a basic set up thread. I admire your experimenting and pleased that it works OK.
I'm rather intrigued about extending the length of lnb arms.
When the better weather arrives, I'm like Slap old bones and ticker problems, I shall be carrying out some experimenting of my own.
Thanks again for your input, it's got me thinking, and thanks for your superb detailed photographs.
Regards NW10

29-03-2007, 09:15 AM
Sorry but the wall bracket should be mounted at right angles to its present install, longer section should be mounted vertically and the mast short length should face down as this will fill up with water and rot from the inside!! regards mikel.;)

11-04-2007, 11:42 AM
Sorry but the wall bracket should be mounted at right angles to its present install, longer section should be mounted vertically and the mast short length should face down as this will fill up with water and rot from the inside!! regards mikel.;)

I havent changed the wall mounting bracket orientation but I have taken your advice and flipped the L bar so its now pointing downwards and the dish is now much closer to the wall too due to me reversing it and having the short section pointing out and the longer section pointing downwards

I have also changed the lnb arm to a piece of 30mm by 20mm aluminium box section , and its set at 15 inches from the fixing point at rear of dish to the end of the lnb arm

I have also changed a couple of the lnb,s from skyware ones , one is now a slyplus quad lnb , and all 4 get excellent reception , and so from left to right its:---

42e , 28e , 19e , 13e , with the dish focussed onto 13e hotbird

the cables go inside the garage to an 8 way emp centauri p168 diseqc switch from italy , and a fifth input is going to another raven zone 2 dish at the rear of my property fitted with a slyplus quad lnb which is focussed and skewed onto 30 west hispasat , giving me a choice of 5 sats at the moment

this 8 way switch has a goto nn function in diseqc v1.2 and can be used the same as a motor so you adjust the switch the same way as you would a motor , ie:- the receiver thinks you have a diseqc motor connected :)

as well as making a longer dish arm , the lnb brackets need some sawing and filing to reduce the side sections so that they could be brought closer together for 13e and 19e , as they actually touch each other, as do the 2 lnb,s as well. the 28e lnb bracket and the one at 42e didnt need any adapting as they are spaced further out

this is now the final fixing for this dish , as all the components are now sorted out and fixed in place

15-04-2007, 05:46 PM
I have toyed with the Idea of doing something with my Dishes but echelon, can you tell me the size of that dish you used.

I have 2 x 80cm dishes, one with HB and Astra and another sitting doing nothing on 1w.

Can a normal round 80cm pick up other Sat's with a multi arm and by what I read from you, you need to increase the angle up of the LNB's?

What's the cost these days of a basic motorised dish?


15-04-2007, 06:13 PM
I can tell you that the sly zone 2 dish is about 58cm high and about 78cm wide

a standard 80cm dish would do the job just as well but would cost more money , having said that the dish arm length needs altering to 15 inches on the zone 2 but should be fine on a standard 80cm dish like a triax , lenson heath , raven etc

your second dish would be better employed on 30 west like mine is

a diseqc motor is probably about £50 to £80 , and a dish probably about the same again

16-04-2007, 04:53 PM
I can tell you that the sly zone 2 dish is about 58cm high and about 78cm wide

a standard 80cm dish would do the job just as well but would cost more money , having said that the dish arm length needs altering to 15 inches on the zone 2 but should be fine on a standard 80cm dish like a triax , lenson heath , raven etc

your second dish would be better employed on 30 west like mine is

a diseqc motor is probably about £50 to £80 , and a dish probably about the same again

Thanks m8

I was just wondering about 42e as I already have a sly dish on 28e.

As for the 1w dish, well I'm one of those ones who is keep my fingers crossed if anything ever happens with 1w.

To me from the early days, 1w was the best place and I hardly watch much these days.

Is there much difference between 30w and what is on 19e?

Pity there's no Asian channels I can pick up, but I will look at a semi motor setup while we hit Spring/Summer.

I'll try and see what the brand of dishes are, as they have been up since around 1990-1994 I would say when Asianet was on 37w I think.


24-04-2007, 07:01 AM
you didnt mention having a third dish on 28e :)

the 80cm dish you have on hotbird and astra could probably be adapted to get 28e and 42e as well , just as mine is, by using a 4 way multi-lnb holder , especially if the lnb arm is square or rectangular and not round

so I dont see any major obstacles as you already have the correct size dish getting 2 of those 4 sats

30 west has d+ and cabo , whereas 19 east has d+ and premiere , so thats the major difference between the two

02-05-2007, 09:06 PM
you didnt mention having a third dish on 28e :)

the 80cm dish you have on hotbird and astra could probably be adapted to get 28e and 42e as well , just as mine is, by using a 4 way multi-lnb holder , especially if the lnb arm is square or rectangular and not round

so I dont see any major obstacles as you already have the correct size dish getting 2 of those 4 sats

30 west has d+ and cabo , whereas 19 east has d+ and premiere , so thats the major difference between the two

Yeah, I forgot about the 28e dish with a quad.

Since Freeview I hardly use my slyboxes as I should really get rid of the spares I have.

The best thing about them is the series link, unlike freeview which you have to keep setting if I want to get a reminder.

I've had a look at 42e but not sure if there is anything on there I would watch, unless it's English.

I just want to make use of stuff I have as I have CAMS lying around and receivers not doing much.

Still like your setup though and will need to see if the arm of the dish is round.

Thanks for the reply mate

02-05-2007, 09:37 PM
no problem m8

42e is mainly for the footy on the turkish channels ( not in english )

most freeview channels are also on 28e

I use a humax 8000 freeview with a 200 gig hard drive I fitted for recording programs , especially series as I set it to record weekly like on a video

I suppose you might be able to fashion something for a round arm , or adapt a suitable lnb holder , but rectangular works better , especially with that multi-lnb arm I used on mine as shown in the photos

06-05-2007, 09:29 AM
I have a90cm dish with 4 lnbs and just squeeze abouyt24 degre differential.
5 West to 19E. Find I need some slim line lnbs too!

26-05-2007, 04:50 PM

Yep, I have a round arm so will look what options as I have seen dishes with 4 holders on for a fair price.

The main older dish with the round arm is my oldest, so showing a little rust.


30-05-2007, 04:04 PM
I may have missed this...apologies if I did but there's a lot to take in on this thread!
Q. if you have a 4-way diseqc switch with 3 inputs already used by single(normal) lnbs.. does the fitting of a single monoblock lnb..to the spare (4th)input on the 4-way dieseqc switch give (effectively) access to 5 satellites...Or does the fact that there's a built-in (2-way) diseqc switch already in the monoblock mean that you cant do this?

30-05-2007, 04:42 PM
afaik you cannot use diseqc through diseqc in a cascade of switches , so the monoblock would give access to whatever the switch has defaulted on , bearing in mind it could get confused because it uses the same commands on the 2 way switch as you would on the 4 way switch , but the 4 way switch comes first

it is possible on some receivers to connect a diseqc motor to a diseqc switch , which is what I have now done with my 4 way switch and stab motor

30-05-2007, 07:31 PM
thanks echelon..yes that sounds logical..I will have to think again!

30-05-2007, 08:06 PM
you could use an a-b switch to switch between the monoblock and the diseqc switch , or use 2 receivers like me

11-06-2007, 10:05 AM
>echelon ..is there such a thing as a remote-controlled a-b switch..I have a (rather clunky) manual one already..but too lazy to get up an switch inputs!

11-06-2007, 10:16 AM
no idea m8

I havent seen or heard of one , but you would think that something should exist

I have always thought that perhaps there could have been a switch operated by the 12 volt output , and so with it off it could be on A and with it on it could be on B

but as I say its not something I have seen or dealt with

as for my system , I have now replaced most of the lnb,s with cheap sly quads and have a tm1500 on an 8 way diseqc switch and a tm9100 on a 4 way diseqc switch

12-06-2007, 11:06 PM
as for my system , I have now replaced most of the lnb,s with cheap sly quads and have a tm1500 on an 8 way diseqc switch and a tm9100 on a 4 way diseqc switch


What you do with your old LNB's and have you got any old twin's?

Also I just realised something about your setup, unless I not read it right.

You said as you look left it increases E e.g 42e 19e 13e.

Was this looking from the front of the dish? as I have 19e to the left and 13e to the right.

The other question I forgot to ask was, how do you work out, how far the next LNB goes and also how you increase the height to compensate.

I may just fork out for a new dish with a multi-arm and new cables as my dish has been up for over 10 years with the cables.

Probably why it has a round arm.

Pity the sponsors here don't do twin lnbs and multi setups.


12-06-2007, 11:57 PM
I never had any twin universal lnb,s but I threw the old analogue ones out years ago

in my picture it shows them from the front , and from right to left its hotbird , astra1 , astra2 and turk sat

post 29 actually says this m8

and so from left to right its:---

42e , 28e , 19e , 13e , with the dish focussed onto 13e hotbird

you move the lnb,s up and down the rack until you get a picture on screen and check the signal level ( I used a tm1500 for this )

then do the rest

the arm/rack is preset to the correct angle but I had to extend the lnb arm to get it right

you can get a triax td110 dish and get the triax multi-lnb holder for it which is fully adjustable

13-06-2007, 02:48 AM
I never had any twin universal lnb,s but I threw the old analogue ones out years ago

in my picture it shows them from the front , and from right to left its hotbird , astra1 , astra2 and turk sat

post 29 actually says this m8

and so from left to right its:---

42e , 28e , 19e , 13e , with the dish focussed onto 13e hotbird

you move the lnb,s up and down the rack until you get a picture on screen and check the signal level ( I used a tm1500 for this )

then do the rest

the arm/rack is preset to the correct angle but I had to extend the lnb arm to get it right

you can get a triax td110 dish and get the triax multi-lnb holder for it which is fully adjustable

That's why I wanted to make sure, and I think where I am confused is that the holders I have seen have two lnb's either side, which I presume is to give balance.

Your setup has all 4 lnb's on one side, so lighter lnb's are needed I presume?

My current lnb's are at least 5 years old and semi-heavy.

I'll look around tomorrow for a holder.


13-06-2007, 08:54 AM
I have heard of ppl centreing the dish onto astra1 , but I found hotbird to be better for me and it still works a treat even though it is heavier on the left looking from the front of the dish

balancing the lnb,s wherever possible would be a good idea if it can be done , so I would have preferred it that way

and I have now fitted 3 heavier sly quad lnb,s on the right hand 3 ( not turk sat on the extreme left ) and it still works fine so the arm can take the weight ok

my way works , but may not be ideal as far as weight etc

13-06-2007, 01:44 PM
I have heard of ppl centreing the dish onto astra1 , but I found hotbird to be better for me and it still works a treat even though it is heavier on the left looking from the front of the dish

balancing the lnb,s wherever possible would be a good idea if it can be done , so I would have preferred it that way

and I have now fitted 3 heavier sly quad lnb,s on the right hand 3 ( not turk sat on the extreme left ) and it still works fine so the arm can take the weight ok

my way works , but may not be ideal as far as weight etc

Yep your way works and is a inspiration for me.

All I can think of is that you've taken alot of time and work on it and when something like that works, you don't want to change it so I just wanted to say thanks for all your input.

I'll go through my system, little by little as I really want to rewire my boxes and AV stuff, but takes me months to move it around the room.

Got so much stuff and scarts, scart boxes, cables, connections to the PC it a nightmare thinking about it.

Least the outside dish side will be easier to sort, but need to make sure I do it quick as my mum watches her regular soaps and drama on one of the Sats and will kill me if she misses any :D

Thanks again

06-07-2007, 06:25 PM
Excellent results and pics echelon;)

Makes super fast channel hoping:D

18-07-2007, 11:17 PM
thanks to u echelon, i now have 13 , 19.2 , 28.2 on my 80cm, was using a monoblock and an lnb off old sky dish, supported the 28.2 lnb with a piece of wood to the arm, and bingo, only thing is i need to get 4way switch instead of going out and plugging the feed into lnb for 28.2,,,thought i was stuck with 13/19 till i read this,,cheers

18-07-2007, 11:34 PM
if you are still using the monoblock then using a 4 waydiseqc switch may not work as you are cascading 2 diseqc switches , so in that case you will need a manual a-b switch instead , or a different receiver if you want to use 2 and not 1

18-07-2007, 11:43 PM
was just about to purchase a 4x1 DiSEqC Switch, when u say manual, would i have to still go outside(have dish on my washing line pole just now lol) and flip the switch mate? i have here a ADX plus (switch thingy i picked up at car booty) and a 2x1 DISEqC, no good as i tried the 2x1 looking to pick up 3 sats, i have a dreambox 600pvr reciever, might just buy a motor,,lol, liked ur way though, only need the 3 sats,,cheers

(only wanted one line coming into house, if i buy a manual switch, will i need 2 feeds?)

18-07-2007, 11:56 PM
2 feeds for manual switch ( or for 2 receivers )

ideally you want a rack like mine and have 1 cable going to the 4 way switch behind the dish , with 3 or 4 cables from the switch to the lnb,s

19-07-2007, 12:10 AM
k mate,,thanx for ur help,,single lnb's it is then, and a 4xswitch,,get tomm,,cheers

19-07-2007, 03:27 PM
That well known German supermarket his about to have very cheap 80cm dishes.

I did check that Pimps main sponsor does not sell dishes before posting this.

25-07-2007, 09:47 PM
tried a zone 2 dish today on 15 west and it worked fine after adjusting the skew !!!

26-07-2007, 12:20 PM
just seen some very cheap 80 cms dishes at L**l's:D

02-08-2007, 12:23 AM
some more pictures of my two sly zone 2 dishes ,

one dish in pictures 1 to 4 focussed on hotbird with 42e , 28e , 19e and 13e with one standard lnb and 3 sly quad lnb,s,

the other dish in the last picture on 30w with a sly quad lnb ( notice the heavy lnb skew anti-clockwise on this one )

02-08-2007, 08:32 PM
Very nice indeed.
I think that I will stick to my motor though.

08-10-2007, 11:21 PM
did you ever set up that triax 4 lnb holdr on the 1.1m?/


13-11-2007, 01:53 PM
I have set up a dish for my m8 with the above set up.I receive hotbird okay.On 19 east I have 95%/75% signal which gives me most premiere/digi +.The problem is I receive premiere sports 1 but cannot receive the sports portal or premiere sports 2 and 3.Also I receive all taquillas apart from 1,2,3,4.Surely if I receive sports 1 I should be able to get the sports portal showing.The dish is a sky 60cm with inverto 0.2 double lnb.My friend wanted the sports portal for the football.When I go into menu and check signal for sports portal it shows red about 9%.maybe I am doing something wrong as it is the first time I have set up a dual lnb.Any help much appreciated.

13-11-2007, 02:12 PM
maybe you havent set the skew correctly on the lnb ?

and have you extended the arm ?

13-11-2007, 03:09 PM
It is showing 75% quality on the other channels.I thought that may be okay.How much do you have to extend the arm.

13-11-2007, 05:30 PM
It is showing 75% quality on the other channels.I thought that may be okay.How much do you have to extend the arm.

I think that was indicated in several of my earlier posts , and if you look at my pictures and some of the others you can clearly see we have extended the arms , and gone into detail about how it was done and what with and how much by

as for the channels , you are assuming that if you get one you will get them all , this is simply not true

the channels will be spread across different transponders with V or H polarity as well

hi - v
lo - v
hi - h
lo - h

so you seem to be missing certain transponders , and I have had this trouble with arms of a short length ( the standard arm ) , like on a monoblock for instance on a zone 2 dish

I think you will find that anyone who has done this task successfully has lengthened the arm , including me

13-11-2007, 06:43 PM
Thanks for the advice echelon I will pass the info on to my m8.Since I posted a couple of hours ago both my cars have gone **** up and I have more important things to look at now.

02-05-2008, 02:30 PM
a normal lnb has those 4 outputs available in one package , and a twin lnb doubles it , and a quad lnb multiplies it by 4

what you have is 4 separate outputs in a quattro , and so no you cannot use it like a standard lnb as a standard one will supply the receiver as it is instructed to do

so I would say you cannot use it and must send it back for a quad output universal lnb , not a quattro

02-05-2008, 02:47 PM
you can use any lnb you like as long as its a universal m8

a single , a twin or a quad , but not a quattro

a quattro is used for big systems like hotels where it feeds into separate bits of kit as they want 4 different feeds , not one feed 4 times

I have used sly quads , sly singles , and various twins on mine , and my motor is currently using an Inverto Twin 0.2 Universal LNB

03-05-2008, 07:30 AM
you do know i take it you will only have control of the motor from 1 receiver and watch the same satellite with a dual lnb

03-05-2008, 08:07 AM
what i do is TM scart to vcr then use the vcr to send the pictures to other rooms or buy a modulator then you can set a RF channel on that

22-05-2008, 02:01 PM
sorry to but in , cleaning the shed i found a zone 2 sly dish and with haste on my day off rammed a pole into the lawn found an old sly box, ******ed my kids tv and went about my hobby[no signal found!!!!] the lnb has numbers 12345 embossed on the plastic underneath where the single screw connector is, just curious which one to use/ the arm seems short as echelon posts
would have thought i could have pulled something in with my compass on 28e, also tried an old echostar & turned to pole slightly ie 19 13e no go wonder if the lnbs had it? :001_07:

22-05-2008, 02:22 PM
a zone 2 dish with a single lnb will easily get hotbird or astra1 or astra2 in the uk and especially in england , so maybe the lnb is faulty , but new ones are very cheap to buy. you can get all 3 sats on one zone 2 dish in england and wales using an lnb rack so should be no trouble pulling in one bird using one lnb

15-06-2008, 07:39 PM
hi guys been at it again with a new quad lnb and sly dish for 28e, i can`t for the life of me find a signal and have tweaked up & down all day to no avail. i attach a pic wonder if one of you chaps can point me in right direction thanxs

15-06-2008, 07:52 PM
opps 2nd pic in rar

16-06-2008, 04:14 AM
hi guys been at it again with a new quad lnb and sly dish for 28e, i can`t for the life of me find a signal and have tweaked up & down all day to no avail. i attach a pic wonder if one of you chaps can point me in right direction thanxs

Have you tried getting 19e Astra and then work from there.

Only move slightly at a time.

Thats how I did it.


14-12-2008, 03:18 AM
wats the small dish that can be user for 30west with that set up thanks in

02-09-2010, 02:11 PM
I know its an old thread but been reading the posts about people having trouble with a diseqc ad monoblock.

I have managed to get both working together using a standard 4 way diseqc switch and then using a konig splitter/combiner. The key to getting it working is getting a splitter/combiner that has dc passthrough on both connections. Run a cable from the monobloc to the splitter, then run separate cables from the other side of the splitter into 2 of the ports in the diseqc. This allows you then to effectively control the monobloc via the stb as 2 separate diseqc (see example)

Works a treat for me with my azbox :applause-003:

02-09-2010, 02:26 PM
Your standard 4 way diseqc is operating what diseqc mode? 1.0 or 1.1?
And the duo LNB has what internal diseqc switch 1.0 or 1.1?
Are you able to select in what order diseqc (mode) commands are executed on AZbox?

02-09-2010, 02:36 PM
From what I can remember its diseqc 1.1 on both. I basically am pointing at 13e and 19e using the monobloc and 28e on a minidish. 13e on diseqc 1, 19e on diseqc 2 and I have 28e on diseqc 4. These are the settings I use on the azbox (at work at the minute so cant confirm)

The azbox is set up so that each 'antenna' has its on diseqc number (as shown above) and so when I choose the channel from the eps it automatically sends the diseqc commands and switches to the correct lnb.

02-09-2010, 03:11 PM
just asking: if this works always: problem is mostly one command is not passing the switch as it is executed there and is not passed along to the switch in the duo lnb?
When switching from 28°E to satellite on duo lnb do you always have the correct one?
13°E -> 28°E -> 19°E do you always get 19°E
19°E -> 28°E -> 13°E do you always get 13°E
or do you sometimes have to switch additionally:
13°E -> 19°E -> 13°E
19°E -> 13°E -> 19°E
to have the correct satellite on the duo LNB?

02-09-2010, 03:31 PM
Any time I switch between either lnb (monobloc and 28e) no matter what order I do it there is no problem and the switching does as it should. The key to it working is the DC pass-through keeps the power switched on in both lnbs in the monobloc.

From what I understand, if I was using a monobloc on its own then depending on what satellite I wanted to watch the power is sent to one lnb or the other by the diseqc command. In my setup using the splitter/diseqc switch, the DC pass-through keeps power going to both lnbs in the monobloc and the switching is done by the 4 way rather than the inbuilt switch in the monobloc. This means each lnb in the monobloc is now effectively seen as a 'seperate' lnb and switching between 13, 19 and 28 has no issues at all as it works the same as if you had a seperate lnb for each satellite.

I hope this makes sense as it's easier to understand than it is to explain lol

02-09-2010, 03:58 PM
Do follow you reasoning. The moment you switch to 28°E (port 4 of diseqc switch) the power is gone on the duo LNB (port 1 and 2). Somehow the switch in the Duo LNB still has to be switching or you would only have one satellite.
For this to work either both switches have to be of different modes (1.0 and 1.1) and receiving diseqc 1.0 and diseqc 1.1 commands for each satellite switch or the AZ box is issuing several same level commands: switch to 1, switch to 1, allowing both switches to switch?

02-09-2010, 04:19 PM
To be honest im not sure what else is happening beyond what i've written in my last post. I agree that when it's on 28e that the power is gone on the monobloc.

The monobloc I use is an Inverto IDLP-40mono however im not sure what diseqc version it uses in its switch. All I can say is that it works and it works well lol

Not much else I can add to that regarding the switching i'm afraid as i'm not totally clued up on diseqc.

I initially read about this setup from another forum (hxxp://***********/forum/showthread.php?15884-Connect-Diseqc-Switch-to-Monoblock!!!) and there is a paragraph that explains in general terms what is happening...........

..."I'm not an electrician, but here's my explanation on why it works:
There is a small mini diseq switch built into monoblock LNB's. When you have a single powerpass line into one side of the splitter (or use Normally) and you switch to view 13e, the STB switches power to that sat and off on 19e and vice versa. What the powerpass splitter does is to switch the diseqc control on by pumping power to both ends of the monoblock. Leaving both 13e and 19e on. So you can switch between the two."...

02-09-2010, 04:50 PM
great that it is working for you.

17-03-2016, 06:54 PM
Resurrecting this very old thread because I want to fit a Twin to the steerable dish I am putting up but have not yet set up (as opposed to the Singles on multi-feed brackets on all the fixed dishes), so any experience/opinions about which of these current production twin (not mono-bloc) LNBs is "better":
- Technomate TM-2 0.1 dB Universal Twin Super High Gain LNB (think I already have one of these on the dish used for SKY, and it's pretty good, although the first one failed after about 3yrs)?
- INVERTO Ultra Twin Dual Output Satellite LNB - Black (no knowledge/experience with Inverto)?
- MTI HIGH LINE 0.2 dB AP82-XT2N (had some MTI LNBs a few years ago and was quite impressed with them - and the old s/h TRIAX 1m steerable dish came with an MTI Blueline Single still on it!)?
- or A.N.OTHER?
Thanks in advance.


18-03-2016, 01:33 PM
Resurrecting this very old thread because I want to fit a Twin to the steerable dish I am putting up but have not yet set up (as opposed to the Singles on multi-feed brackets on all the fixed dishes), so any experience/opinions about which of these current production twin (not mono-bloc) LNBs is "better":
- Technomate TM-2 0.1 dB Universal Twin Super High Gain LNB (think I already have one of these on the dish used for SKY, and it's pretty good, although the first one failed after about 3yrs)?
- INVERTO Ultra Twin Dual Output Satellite LNB - Black (no knowledge/experience with Inverto)?
- MTI HIGH LINE 0.2 dB AP82-XT2N (had some MTI LNBs a few years ago and was quite impressed with them - and the old s/h TRIAX 1m steerable dish came with an MTI Blueline Single still on it!)?
- or A.N.OTHER?
Thanks in advance.


Hi I have been using the Inverto twin Black Ultra for some years now and have found it to be the best on my 1Mtr dish, I have also used Darkgold, MTI, Invacom, MTI and Smart, Lnb's
To my knowledge the Inverto is available from the Forum Sponsor, at a good price, so a no brainer.

regards mobley2

Nb The MTI Blueline was a great Lnb, not sure if they are still available.

18-03-2016, 02:51 PM
Hi I have been using the Inverto twin Black Ultra for some years now and have found it to be the best on my 1Mtr dish, I have also used Darkgold, MTI, Invacom, MTI and Smart, Lnb's
To my knowledge the Inverto is available from the Forum Sponsor, at a good price, so a no brainer.

regards mobley2

Nb The MTI Blueline was a great Lnb, not sure if they are still available.

Thanks - ordered an Inverto (but the sponsors do not currently appear to have any Inverto LNBs, so it's coming from somewhere else).

MTI Twin Blueline seems to be available from somewhere in France only, but a lot more expensive!

NB - one old Blueline Single came with the 1m dish, and I have another one left over from many years ago - yet to see if one or both still work, but could be useful if one or both do.