View Full Version : what do i need to hack d+

02-02-2007, 11:34 PM
i have a tho`mpson receiver with d+ card in it subscribed i need to hack d+
what software and hardware do i need i am familiar with dish network u.s.a. nagra 2 rom 102 but the digital rom 110 nagra i am not familiar with need help if anyone

02-02-2007, 11:52 PM
i shouldnt mess with the card ?

what you suggest i shall do and how?
i currently hack dishnetwork in the states using the same kudelski rom 102 cards and fta receivers i mastered it .but in the european system i dont know where to begin where i am stayin they have a d+ receiver i was thinking if i bought one new receiver how do i hack it and which receiver to buy ?

03-02-2007, 01:26 AM
Nothing its all ready hacked, but when it goes off you can hack it then.

03-02-2007, 08:25 AM
if you are on about boxkey extraction and understand spanish google

z*ckyf*les / n*gr*dos / sec*dos

i personally find these 3 forums the best for spanish info

03-02-2007, 11:59 AM

04-02-2007, 02:40 PM
i already hack dishnetwork u.s.a. by card 10m 102, atmega, armulator , all fta receivers i can hack in and out but i need to leard the european satellites i need files for programming these receivers and where is a good source to find these files

these are the sites i go to in the u.s.a.
hashhu, dssevolution, etc they are great sites and give you all files updates etc are there any sites in europe that ofer the same support n english ?

i appreciate your help guys i am visiting my friends here in espana an dsaid why you watchig d+ if it can be hacked why pay:)