View Full Version : D+ Help Appreciated

03-02-2007, 09:03 PM
Hi Guy. Not had my Hummy long but have had it working in the past and I also have my Skystart2 working wuth the current set of keys but I have a problem that has stumped me and your help would be appreciated.

I am using 3.4/7.9
current Channel listings from Cyrus
and the latest Key bins

How ever when I try to select C+ Deporte the info bar shows a try and under that is an 'N' surley on 19 Deg East which is where I am this should be Seca, or am I being dumb (as I said not been at this too long)! If that is not the problem I don't know what is, so any suggestions are welcome.

I have tried several PCMT's keybins etc all with the same results uploaded on a FTA, channel reset from the box not remote, then the correct caid Card+EMU selected.



voith driver
03-02-2007, 09:21 PM
hi robb,
i am watching the red sox at this time, well not watching it but its on, and it is showing N, the try means the key is not valid.
i have written on the den that i have just done a reload of the toh 3.4 hot 7.9 patch, then used a borabilges tps fix and also his bin, this means that it is a basic setup, no extras, and with todays files, all three are working prem d+ and tps, so keep in mind to change your clock to gmt+1 and as you say caid to card+emu it should all work

03-02-2007, 09:50 PM
I'll give that a go and let you know how I get on, thanks for the reply Voith

04-02-2007, 12:35 PM
Well Voith this so far has me beaten, there must be something that I am doing incorrectly!

As you suggested I tried 3.4/7.9 from scratch
installed TPS.hdf from b.bilge
then installed the latest keys

How ever I still get the 'TRY' instead of 'EMU'

As my previous post all this was done with CAID in card on a FTA channel, reset from the box etc etc.

Any ideas?


04-02-2007, 12:56 PM
Repeat 10 times " Stupid Stupid Stupid boy"

Wrong version of DSR Emu!!!

Thanks for al your help

voith driver
04-02-2007, 06:12 PM
it happens to all of us, we get hung up in a circle and can not see the wood for the trees, well done for sussing it out